posted ago by TheImpossible1 ago by TheImpossible1 +20 / -7

pls no downvote, I worked hard on this.

The Kering Foundation is the charitable foundation of Balenciaga's parent company, Kering.

Their major ideology push is the Global Boyhood Initiative, which is basically a push to demonize masculinity even further than it already is. This wouldn't really be notable if it wasn't for two things - one : Meghan Markle is policy leader for the organization, and two : their partner, Equimundo, which appears to be a feminist shell company and even lists Kering as one of their major backers alongside many other shady left-wing organizations such as Arabella Advisors and the Gates Foundation.

I'll just leave this list of the organizations listed as a supporter of this initiative here.

Arabella Advisors - "dark money" Democratic Party group.

Comic Relief - The BBC's main charity, funny how they never mention any of this when begging for cash. I'm pretty sure their involvement here is not legal, the money was collected on the basis that it is received by poor children in Africa, not blown on pushing feminism.

Dutch Government - proxy for the EU? Very strange to see a literal country on the list. I never did like the Netherlands for how it humanizes prostitutes.

Gates Foundation - Melinda...I don't need to say any more about that psychopath.

Kering Foundation - Balenciaga itself.

Open Society Foundation - George Soros, the guy behind seemingly every evil thing.

SEED Foundation - So, this one is interesting. The SEED project is best known for the paper that introduced the theory of White Privilege. I'm sure someone will correct me on them being the origin, but that paper is the literal largest contribution of this organization, regardless of if you find something obscure mentioning that phrase first.

The entire UN is here, shilling for women. From the UN itself to the UNESCO fund (which is supposed to be about heritage of buildings?) and the propaganda leaders at the UN Population Fund.

Finally, linking back to the title, does everyone remember the Balenciaga photoshoot? Well, if you don't, there was a book by Michael Borremans on the desk.

What is Michael Borremans' most famous piece? Well, it's a boy painted suffering with limbs missing...which is pretty much every feminist's fantasy. It's from his Fire in the Sun collection, which was shown in 2018 at the David Zwirner Gallery. I wonder if there's anything to dig into there. I'm not an art person.

Well, I pulled up his OpenSecrets page. Lots of Democratic Party donations, but that's not out of the ordinary for a resident of NYC.

So, just to recap :

We have a pedophilic organization with books by someone who painted mutilated boys in their photoshoots. We have backing from state-run UK charities and literal EU governments. We have Melinda Gates' dirty hands on this, we have Meghan Markle leading their policy. All they needed was the SCUM Manifesto in the corner of one of their photoshoots and we would have won "Imp1 is right" bingo.

I'm really reluctant to say this because I feel like it will ruin my post's chance of getting the attention it needs, but who is Kering's biggest supporter? The artist formerly known as Kanye, who defended Balenciaga when all this came out.

Was Kanye a feminist ploy to destroy President Donald J. Trump?

I don't want this piece to detract from the more important conclusions above, but I had to bring it up.