60 Kanye is ascending (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 2 years ago by SparkMandrill83 2 years ago by SparkMandrill83 +69 / -9 126 comments download share 126 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Good. Fuck the GOP. They don't serve American interests and haven't for a long time.
Well it seems you clowns rather have permanent Democrat rule instead.
Accelerationists like you are the worst type of idiots.
Electing women hasn't brought changes to the system?? Ok.
"The system" itself is not closed. It mutates through the social changes it brings about on everyone else.
You want your globalist masters in the GOP to win more than improving the lives of any real American
I merely want to prevent one party Democrat rule over the country I live in.
You are an useful idiot for the left as you openly support actions that will make the left virtually impossible to beat.
Yeah, vote harder, that'll show em!
GOP are Democrats and Democrats are GOP. Still playing these team politics in 2022 is the sign of either a shill or a fool