The series show megaliths and ancient star-worshipping civilizations in Asia, Europe, the Americas, Oceania area, and basically everywhere except Africa.
This is what they want to suppress, the idea that Africa wasn't the genesis of the modern world, but rather only the people that long left it or perhaps never were there at all were the ones who created civilization.
The ancients he posits traveled the seas and went everywhere teaching people civilization, yet either avoided or failed at civilizing Africa.
My family went to Africa in the 1680’s and stayed there longer than America has been a country. I left in 2017 when the muti killings spiked (its where they kidnap people in order to chop off body parts for use in a sort of voodoo/black magic). The most powerful muti supposedly comes from children BTW.
Take it from me, there’s no civilising that place.
The series show megaliths and ancient star-worshipping civilizations in Asia, Europe, the Americas, Oceania area, and basically everywhere except Africa.
This is what they want to suppress, the idea that Africa wasn't the genesis of the modern world, but rather only the people that long left it or perhaps never were there at all were the ones who created civilization.
The ancients he posits traveled the seas and went everywhere teaching people civilization, yet either avoided or failed at civilizing Africa.
My family went to Africa in the 1680’s and stayed there longer than America has been a country. I left in 2017 when the muti killings spiked (its where they kidnap people in order to chop off body parts for use in a sort of voodoo/black magic). The most powerful muti supposedly comes from children BTW.
Take it from me, there’s no civilising that place.