I'm afraid this may feed an overall gun push. They may skimp specifics soon if "shooting" stories pile up and the MSM pays attention specifically to gun violence statistics.
I'd guess the Walmart shooter. It seems they're trying to deny the Q shooter alphabet mafia protection in favor a "white male terrorism" narrative to push gun control and possibly feed into the moral panic about incels. It seems easier for them to hide the 13/52 incident at Walmart.
The Walmart one as they'd definitely want to hide the fact constant customer interactions with Karens may have increased the possibility of customer facing employees going postal.
I'm afraid this may feed an overall gun push. They may skimp specifics soon if "shooting" stories pile up and the MSM pays attention specifically to gun violence statistics.
Which is why GOP control of the House is a massive white pill, even for someone as black pilled as I am.
I'd guess the Walmart shooter. It seems they're trying to deny the Q shooter alphabet mafia protection in favor a "white male terrorism" narrative to push gun control and possibly feed into the moral panic about incels. It seems easier for them to hide the 13/52 incident at Walmart.
Plus, plugging fags always gets air. "Why won't someone think of the fags!?"
The Walmart one as they'd definitely want to hide the fact constant customer interactions with Karens may have increased the possibility of customer facing employees going postal.