The only thing the establishment push gives away is that they're desperate to get rid of Trump. DeSantis just happens to be their best bet. I get why people are suspicious. I really do. I just think he deserves the benefit of the doubt until he says or does something swampy.
I fear the swamp controls Florida man. The establishment push is a dead giveaway.
They just want to get rid of Trump at any cost.
They are behind DeSantis for now because they think he is the best option to achieve that.
The only thing the establishment push gives away is that they're desperate to get rid of Trump. DeSantis just happens to be their best bet. I get why people are suspicious. I really do. I just think he deserves the benefit of the doubt until he says or does something swampy.
Remember when he vetoed a law with "it's unconstitutional" and then suddenly all the feminist protests against him vanished?
Don't fucking trust him. Or Rick Scott.