posted ago by GeneralBoobs ago by GeneralBoobs +29 / -2

Did you know, some people were having a good day yesterday? The sun was out, the birds were singing, the air held the hint of perfume that brought back the nostalgia of better times.

But none of that mattered to a bunch of unemployed fuck-brained losers as they awoke to pink slips, lock outs, and wiped laptops. https://archive.ph/mzihe Ah, yes, let me feel the mild heat of their hatred, that will keep me warm on the chilly Florida winter nights. I especially loved the calfing cow with another bovine on the way, proving that soybois really will put their dick in any animal if it moos at them.

One blue-haired Tricia Das Gupta, who had made her activism her life, has now made her burning rats nest the very definition of her existence. https://archive.ph/f9zbj Who needs Morton's for your french fries when you have that twitter feed? Of course, the best twat from her band of feminist dykes, one that she retwatted, shows just how civil, rational, and delightful they are:

This was probably one of the last teams at a big tech/social company that had the ear of product and policy, that wasn't dismantled at the whim of a whiny white tech boy.

My god, that pretzel might be too delicious with all that course rock salt.

EDIT: I forgot the best part. https://archive.ph/uhaAd Elon took away their paid monthly floating holiday when he told them to get back to fucking work. On top of all their sick time, paid vacations, work from home, mental health day bullshit, they also got a paid once a month any time of month day off for their 'self care'. Probably some feminist period bullshit. Fuck'em. Suffer like the rest of us.