Did you know, some people were having a good day yesterday? The sun was out, the birds were singing, the air held the hint of perfume that brought back the nostalgia of better times.
But none of that mattered to a bunch of unemployed fuck-brained losers as they awoke to pink slips, lock outs, and wiped laptops. https://archive.ph/mzihe Ah, yes, let me feel the mild heat of their hatred, that will keep me warm on the chilly Florida winter nights. I especially loved the calfing cow with another bovine on the way, proving that soybois really will put their dick in any animal if it moos at them.
One blue-haired Tricia Das Gupta, who had made her activism her life, has now made her burning rats nest the very definition of her existence. https://archive.ph/f9zbj Who needs Morton's for your french fries when you have that twitter feed? Of course, the best twat from her band of feminist dykes, one that she retwatted, shows just how civil, rational, and delightful they are:
This was probably one of the last teams at a big tech/social company that had the ear of product and policy, that wasn't dismantled at the whim of a whiny white tech boy.
My god, that pretzel might be too delicious with all that course rock salt.
EDIT: I forgot the best part. https://archive.ph/uhaAd Elon took away their paid monthly floating holiday when he told them to get back to fucking work. On top of all their sick time, paid vacations, work from home, mental health day bullshit, they also got a paid once a month any time of month day off for their 'self care'. Probably some feminist period bullshit. Fuck'em. Suffer like the rest of us.
I actually love what Elon has done. He's basically done everything I've previously suggested (by obvious happenstance), and it shows how effectively it works.
My suggestion is basically:
Well, he did all of those things, and it ways that work fantastic to promote self-deportation.
Day 1 (later than I would like), he swapped out the software developers for his own, and locked the code so no changes could be made to it. Excellent.
Also Day 1, he fired the upper management, the board of directors, and anyone from the previous regime. Maybe fired is the wrong word, but fuck it, they are gone. That's really all that matters.
He already began significant layoffs by clearing out obvious redundant bloat. The bloat was the protection racket of the regime, so this is a direct attack on the regime's loyalists, and that's before the major layoffs.
He instituted a major cultural shift by introducing a new program that would change the company's cultural presentation to it's consumers, and imposed a severe deadline which would mean that only dedicated individuals would even want to stay. This created self-deportation for a lot of the layabouts that didn't do any work, and were pets of the regime. Additionally, ideological attack dogs were being activated (and therefore exposed) to the massive change in culture and the harsh conditions.
He immediately began employee reviews to remove any employees that were just a general drain on the company's expenses.
He has identified a major shift away from income on Advertising. Advertising is an enemy industry similar to Human Resources and Public Relations. Advertising is controlled by the 5 largest advertisers on Earth, and they use their power as a bully pulpit for the Fabian Socialist establishment.
Finally, he conducted a major purge of the employee rolls. This will reduce cost, but most importantly: this will create a major cultural change in the organization itself. Change the people: change the culture. The well fucking aware of this, but it works in our favor too.
I don't really care whether or not he's on "our side". Frankly, he probably isn't. He's at most a "Leftwing Libertarian" from back in the day, but that 1,000 times better than what the establishment is, which is (frankly) a bunch of Fabian Socialists and Environmentalist National Socialists attempting to create the final phase of Socialism: a Techno-Fascist hellscape.
What I do care about is that all of you have now borne witness to a perfect demonstration of how to use power against the left when you manage to seize that kind of power over an institution. This act must be replicated 100% of the time. You can't not do it. It's actually too dangerous not to do it, and it was one of Trump's & the Republicans, first mistakes.
Gizortnik's 4 C's of Conquest:
Machiavelli would be fucking proud of what Musk did here.
Another thing that I am unsure if it was an accident or not but is still quite useful:
He went and met with groups like the ADL and SPLC to talk with them about the "hate speech" policy of his new Twitter. A lot of the Dissident Right and others allied with us started going full blackpilled (like usual) and started dooming that it was all in vain and he was just going to be the same as the old regime. But like usual, I decided that I dont really care about what his lips are saying, but what his hands are doing. And his hands were not moving at the same dance as his lips, so I decided to wait and see.
What we saw actually happen was that the second the advertising left (while he was still negotiating), he finally showed what his hands were doing. He pointed at them and said "I try to work with you and this is how you repay me?! Well, you can forget it! I am never speaking to you again if this is the kind of disrespect you will show me!"
Now, to the average normie who is unplugged from all of this stuff, Musk looks like the reasonable and rational one, and they are going to be scratching their heads and wondering what the problem is. And that may lead them to conclusions the Fabians would consider....unfortunate. But that we would be happy about. Like I continue to say, I continue to use my fiancé as the Normie yardstick due to her being actively hostile to politics. And the things she considers to be non-political opinions, if we are being frank, back up that Lenin quote you always throw around (about how the proletariat are the most reactionary force of all).
He's in a very dangerous position. He's not part of the dissident right, he's part of the elite vying for position. That means other elites are picking their sides in regards to his movement.
Don't forget that his purchase isn't just with his cash. The investment banks are financing his purchase. The investment banks are actually on both sides of the issue here. It looks like Elon had to make deals with:
Now that being said, Morgan Stanley and Barclays are both well connected to elite Left-wing projects, but I don't know if they are enemy organizations. BofA on the other hand absolutely is an enemy bank, and that's why John Kerry is on one of it's board of directors, and why they tried to shut down SubscribeStar.
That being said, many of those foreign companies probably are just in it for the money, and the massive reduction in labor will look very good to them. I would bet you money that BofA wanted the meeting with the ADL and SPLC, because of their own personal relationships, and because they believed that those organizations are needed to pressure other industries into doing what they want. Musk can't just say "KYS" without BofA pulling some shady shit.
The dissident right (due to subversion and innate psychological predilection) constantly black-pills itself, when what it should be looking at is the reality of strategy from Musk's position.
It was Lenin's most terrible discovery. What I found interesting is what he called "Private Capitalism" is the same thing that Trotsky called "Petty Bourgeois". Despite having opposed each other, and Trotsky being effectively exiled, they both ended up reaching the same conclusion: that there was a large segment of society that could not be reached by Leftist rhetoric because of their attachment to individuated: wealth, property, and principles.
I didn't know "Petty Bourgeois" was a think until internet Leftists started quoting Trotsky (again).
Some of those names are organized crime. I've been wondering if the entire SJW movement was part of the mob, and it's starting to look true.
This is exactly right. Twitter’s revenue comes almost exclusively from corporate advertisers. If he gave the middle finger to the ADL now, he could nuke the company in a day because when the ADL says jump, corporations ask how high.
The good news is that he has signaled right off the bat that he wants to move from an advertiser-funding model to a user-funded one. I am not sure how much free speech we will get back on Twitter, only time will tell, but that move will hopefully make him less sensitive to corporate pressure from new leftist demands for censorship in the future.
There is a certain segment of the dissident right who are terminally black pilled. They literally are incapable of seeing anything positive in anything. They are just nasty people. Kind of makes me feel like the left is partially right when they say that people align with that shit because they are just fucking losers IRL