Maybe I just don't get men, but... is she? She is put together, but her base features like her face are not really that pretty. Sure, she is skinny and maintained.
From the perspective of my male gaze, she looks like she used to be hot when she was younger, but then she got some wrinkles and ruined her face with plastic surgery. She has that Jack Nicholson Joker face that plastic surgery often imparts.
Here's a picture where she looks much more natural, and thus much hotter. She's got a major "hot for teacher" look going for her. But she's a narcissist, so I'm not surprised she went to a butcher the instant she saw the wall approaching.
That looks neither natural or hot, imo but then we all have different tastes.
Her cheeks/neck are starting to show signs of hitting the wall/getting fat
She skin looks caked in makeup
She looks like she has a pimple back in the middle of her forehead she tried to get rid of already
She shows lack of co-ordination by missing the microphone with her grasped hand, or she's jacking off an invisible mime
All in all, 2/10, not even on my worst day. 1/10 would be the anorexic I once saw at Disneyland or an equally off putting obese landwhale to give an idea where a 2 measures.
To be fair, AirBnB is trash, but Kasparian is Kasparian. How can anyone stand to listen to her, day in and day out?
Maybe I just don't get men, but... is she? She is put together, but her base features like her face are not really that pretty. Sure, she is skinny and maintained.
That’s all it takes for most men to find a woman attractive. Thin with good hygiene and no obvious deformities? Just wait for the simps to pour in.
Hang on, as per WhoIsThatMaskedMan's post below
My answer is: No, no she is not.
Just being skinny puts you above 70% of women in the modern day.
From the perspective of my male gaze, she looks like she used to be hot when she was younger, but then she got some wrinkles and ruined her face with plastic surgery. She has that Jack Nicholson Joker face that plastic surgery often imparts.
Here's a picture where she looks much more natural, and thus much hotter. She's got a major "hot for teacher" look going for her. But she's a narcissist, so I'm not surprised she went to a butcher the instant she saw the wall approaching.
That looks neither natural or hot, imo but then we all have different tastes.
All in all, 2/10, not even on my worst day. 1/10 would be the anorexic I once saw at Disneyland or an equally off putting obese landwhale to give an idea where a 2 measures.
She is not at all attractive. You'd have to be extremely desperate. And deaf.
And blind going by the various pictures people are posting.