Wikipedia's donation nags should be a violation of false advertising or fraud laws. Only an insignificant fraction of the money they bring in goes to web hosting.
Just simply enforcing laws against corporations and activist groups would solve many of our problems. Might even go a step further here and demand non-profits
post links to transparent spending breakdowns and past performance with every solicitation.
If laws against money laundering were enforced, many politicians would be committing crimes or have to give up their revenue, so it doesn't happen. As always, cui bono
Wikipedia's donation nags should be a violation of false advertising or fraud laws. Only an insignificant fraction of the money they bring in goes to web hosting.
Just simply enforcing laws against corporations and activist groups would solve many of our problems. Might even go a step further here and demand non-profits post links to transparent spending breakdowns and past performance with every solicitation.
If laws against money laundering were enforced, many politicians would be committing crimes or have to give up their revenue, so it doesn't happen. As always, cui bono