Most of the west, where real purchasing power has been decreasing for some time. When at one time a lowly laborer could afford a decent home, many people are huddled in tiny apartments downing bottles of anti-depressants. GDP is the absolutely worst metric. It goes up when governments print money, which typically spurs asset inflation.
You mean like when you let in millions of people who may or may not even be employable? The same ones who drive everybody out of lower-income housing and turn it into racially-segregated, crime infested ghettoes?
Most of the west, where real purchasing power has been decreasing for some time. When at one time a lowly laborer could afford a decent home, many people are huddled in tiny apartments downing bottles of anti-depressants. GDP is the absolutely worst metric. It goes up when governments print money, which typically spurs asset inflation.
Housing prices increase with demand, demand rises as the population grows. Natalist policies like Hungary's will make it worse, not better.
Majority of anti-depressant users are women getting high off them, which makes that irrelevant.
You mean like when you let in millions of people who may or may not even be employable? The same ones who drive everybody out of lower-income housing and turn it into racially-segregated, crime infested ghettoes?