I know I need to get off of facebook, but I have a ton of cousins and it is the best way to keep in touch with everyone but I really need to stop reading comments on things.
I got sucked into a little argument because someone posted about George Floyd. I guess he was angry because he along with other "protesters" from the summer of love were being told that they worship Floyd and he took exception to that because he said speaking out against police brutality. I told him that it was possible to be against police brutality while also not making a martyr out of people. Like giving Floyd a golden casket funeral like he was some medal of honor winner during the "deadly" covid pandemicthat apparently didn't affect rioters. Also asked him why they don't bother to examine the actual facts of these shootings since pretty much all of them involve not listening to the cops or resisting.
Long story short he wasn't thrilled with that. I asked if he fought against police brutality when Tony Tympa died (of course he hadn't heard of him) and when I mentioned David Dorn he said that Dorn wasn't killed by peaceful protesters.
Long story short he told me I was following white supremacist talking points and blocked me when I said that apparently white supremacy means not doing things that attract the cops.
I still don't understand why people don't realize you can be against police brutality and hold cops accountable while also not worshipping people and making them saints. Interesting how the whole "you can't talk about their past" rules went out the window with Ashli Babbit.
Feminized men, it’s the exact same type of encounter I just had last night. Dude went from “I love the military” to threatening to fight me because I told him Trump had declassification powers, and gave historical examples of fbi and journalistic corruption. They want to follow the narrative because they are weak, emotional and fear being ostracized. I just ended up laughing in his face after he legitimately said “do we need to take this outside”. These people have been broken by social media and tds, they are the 33% who get their news solely from social media websites.
Where do we get our news?
I don’t have social media, so the apple news I have curated for sjw stupidity like the Atlantic. My google is curated for purely gaming news. Everything else is podcasts/ Blaze.
This is a "forum" and all of us are hiding behind personas. While there's some overlap social media is a different thing.
"Social Media" is a place where you post what you ate, selfies and publish your life and do a whole lot of virtue signaling. It's tied to 'you'. That's why I don't do social media as I have no desire to publish my life (and it has ostracized me somewhat). I do have a linkedin account for purely professional reasons and I'm constantly amazed at what a cesspool it's become and how people will just spew their idiocy on there as if that isn't going to affect their employability.