I remember some AIDS activist talking to Crowder way back.
He said AIDS is no biggie, because they have medication now, so it's not really different from normal life.
Except the several-thousand dollars bill every year for daily drugs to keep the virus low enough to stop it from exhausting your immune system and turn your body into a petri-dish for anything to proliferate in it.
Otherwise harmless bacteria, fungus, virus, your own cells that shouldn't be replicating somewhere. It's all gonna munch and grow in there and you rot from the inside-out.
You're ''one fuck-up of the drugs supply-chain'' away from this occuring.
And considering recent supply-chain disruptions .. where do they get off thinking that they'll always have their magic potions that keep them shambling along like the undead that they are?
I remember some AIDS activist talking to Crowder way back.
He said AIDS is no biggie, because they have medication now, so it's not really different from normal life.
Except the several-thousand dollars bill every year for daily drugs to keep the virus low enough to stop it from exhausting your immune system and turn your body into a petri-dish for anything to proliferate in it.
Otherwise harmless bacteria, fungus, virus, your own cells that shouldn't be replicating somewhere. It's all gonna munch and grow in there and you rot from the inside-out.
You're ''one fuck-up of the drugs supply-chain'' away from this occuring.
''No biggie''.
And considering recent supply-chain disruptions .. where do they get off thinking that they'll always have their magic potions that keep them shambling along like the undead that they are?
Huh, didn't realise supply chain issues had a silver lining.