original: https://twitter.com/BillboardChris/status/1558823459651817477
response: https://twitter.com/SwipeWright/status/1558828698501005313
This is literally a sick cult that mutilates children. That's not hyperbole, it's absolutely true. The best time for outrage was over a decade ago. The next best time for outrage is RIGHT NOW. This has gotten so out of hand. If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention.
Gender nonconforming children are being indoctrinated into a cult that is mutilating and sterilizing their healthy bodies with hormones and surgeries based on the pseudoscientific belief that it's possible for a person's body to not "match" their mind.
Seriously, what happened? It's as if collective madness set in somewhere around 10 years ago.
Obama's a good chunk of it - but the first seeds of insanity really start around the Clinton era. Bush the First had squandered the gains Reagan made, being more of your typical golf club GOP type so Clinton was able to get in with a slick pop culture campaign and the leftists were ready to party. I STILL remember the party after he took the oath of office (televised, of course because this was an 'important' moment) where some twit got up and begged Clinton to be the "loving father the country needs right now").
CNN was a new fixture at the time and had been hound dogging Bush and other government officials and exposing government corruption. So when Clinton started making controversial moves and starting wars, it was expected that CNN would hound dog them too... except... they didn't. Thus giving them the name 'Clinton News Network' and Clinton could do no harm. The other MSM followed suit and it was blatantly obvious compared to the 'guardians of the 4th estate' mentality that media had cultivated for the previous 12 years under the GOP.
Whitewater, stories of sexual assault (with actual women coming forward and testifying actual rape) were outright ignored, let alone the actual government corruption at the time including the IRS going after GOP and conservative members and initiating that gays couldn't be expelled from the military unless they were blatant about it.
That's how Rush Limbaugh was able to rise as fast as he was - because the media was basically ignoring all GOP/Conservative thought and pushing a strong leftist bent.
Then the 2000 election hit where the Democrats narrowly lost the state of Florida and the DNC demanded recount after recount after recount and changes to "ballot" curing until the SC said, "No, you can't change the rules in the middle of the election." and put an end to that and there was talk of sending alternate electors to THAT count too as well as having electors change their vote. (But no charges there)
Then 9/11 - and that was the first real sign of trouble as MANY leftists celebrated the attacks. That led to leftists trying to block any and all actions that Bush took as anti-American (going to start WW3) rising to Code Pink, etc; Military service members commit acts of treason against the military by leaking secrets on the internet but are openly applauded and defended by the DNC. Hillary Clinton started grooming herself for the run at this point and she would've gotten it too except for that wascally Obama but McCain has a decent 5% lead coming up for the election and just weeks before the election...
Suddenly Visa says they're days away from being able to process credit cards because they're out of liquid capital because the central banks have no cash and the markets collapse and Target follows with they'll have to close all the stores if that happens. Obama goes "not my problem, it's all the GOPs fault", Bush Jr. is caught with his pants down and McCain makes a feeble attempt to look like he's doing something when the only solution is to crash the entire economy.
So Obama wins, the DNC sweeps the government and here's where things go wild. More 'stimulus' legislation is passed that floods the executive branch to be used to 'create jobs' (which never happens) Suddenly the IRS goes after conservatives again, wars spring up all over and code Pink disappears, the school curriculum gets completely reworked and Obama creates 'Czars' to oversee government bureaucracies and ensure they're doing what Obama wants. Meanwhile Obama creates a new bureaucracy to work closely with hollywood and media companies (like MTV, Disney, etc;) to promote 'US standards' Obama moves to allow gays to serve openly. During this time Code Pink type groups shift to Occupy Wall Street groups and their protest targets change. Communist type training starts with this OWS protesting including setting up "anarchy zones" Obama sees no problem with this. Pelosi says we should pay people not to work so they can be artists! Gay marriage gets passed and that breaks the dam that ramrods legislation through to make gay people a new protected class and that immediately means that transgenders are included and everyone has to accommodate them and that spurs on even more attacks against churches and (surprisingly) feminist elements. Meanwhile Hillary is STILL operating behind the scenes and directing the government.
And Hillary was once again groomed and ready to take over the helm and...
Trump won...
I haven't heard that nickname in a long time and now I feel old.