Even funnier is that I saw a headline saying "The FBI Trump raid is proof we do not live in a Banana Republic", because raiding the leader of a dissident faction is definitely something that doesnt happen in Banana Republics.
You have to understand Trump is not only the only bad actor in government, he's the prime bad actor. He is the source of corruption and represents all that's wrong in society. All banana republics flow from Trump. Trump is the Emperor in Star Wars. Even after he's gone, his essence will reverberate through society and all bad actions will be traceable to the Spirit of Trump. We can only thank our dissident FBI rebel faction for doing their best to weaken his power. Any time someone makes up another ridiculous accusation against Trump, it is proof that freedom lives. #RESIST
Even funnier is that I saw a headline saying "The FBI Trump raid is proof we do not live in a Banana Republic", because raiding the leader of a dissident faction is definitely something that doesnt happen in Banana Republics.
You have to understand Trump is not only the only bad actor in government, he's the prime bad actor. He is the source of corruption and represents all that's wrong in society. All banana republics flow from Trump. Trump is the Emperor in Star Wars. Even after he's gone, his essence will reverberate through society and all bad actions will be traceable to the Spirit of Trump. We can only thank our dissident FBI rebel faction for doing their best to weaken his power. Any time someone makes up another ridiculous accusation against Trump, it is proof that freedom lives. #RESIST
Just watch, your grandkids' grandkids will be fearing the Trump under the bed/in the closet.
That monster!
I take it all back. Repeal habeus corpus! Repeat the First, Fourth and Twenty-Third amendments!
Tear it all down!
Obama beat you to it by 10 years, look up the NDAA from 2012
or they'll be protected like ciaramella where you aren't even allowed to say his name because ???