Does anyone know or what would your best guess be when it comes to the ratio of male/female readers of Sci-Fi/Fantasy? I would think fantasy appeals to more women whereas sci-fi appeals to more guys. I ask because my brother who is out of the nerd loop due to raising teen girls was telling me about an article about N.K. Jemison he read that was hyping her as the biggest name in sci-fi today and he was surprised since he felt she just peddles the usual left wing nonsense in entertainment. I then told him about the sad puppies movement and to avoid modern sci-fi and fantasy like the plague.
I am a huge reader and there are a lot of women who read heavily but like everything certain genres appeal to men more than women and vice versa.
Sure, you read it because they were talking about it...
I'm kidding, but that sounds like such misery. It's just really badly written porn for women, starring a billionaire interested in a defective piece of shit.
Yes. I described it as porn on paper. I read the twilight books due to the same reason. I have heard people say 50 shades shows you what women really want. But I guess it depends on the woman
I didn't read it but I saw the shitty movie.
After being hyped up as BDSM shit, the ACTUAL movie was 99% boring normie shit about a chick thirsting hard for a dude way out of her league, who unrealistically shows interest in her even though IRL he would have 100x better options.
THEN the climax at the end is the dude lightly spanking her, and her having a nervous breakdown over it. LOL wtf? I thought at least he was going to rough her up, but no. It was the most normie boomer shit ever.
The audience for that shit is the dumb cows who watch The View and Wendy Williams and Ellen.
Pat Robertson of the 700 Club called it Boring Mommy Porn. The one time the old creep and I agreed on something.