I tell people all the time we should exterminate them but for a few wild parks and zoos. I have never liked alligators and think their only use is food and nice leatherworks.
Did you know that in medieval times, "wolf" was slang for the rapists, murderers, and bandits who hid in the woods? It was a don't talk to HUMAN strangers story.
I tell people all the time we should exterminate them but for a few wild parks and zoos. I have never liked alligators and think their only use is food and nice leatherworks.
Libs would never allow it. Most countries on earth had a government paid wolf elimination program until the mid 1900s for good reason.
Little red riding hood is a cautionary tale. But hipsters in high rises have forgotten the lesson. Alligators are no different.
Did you know that in medieval times, "wolf" was slang for the rapists, murderers, and bandits who hid in the woods? It was a don't talk to HUMAN strangers story.
It was the Grimms who slandered the real wolves.
Just give them pakis to eat.