In English: according to them (and according to other woke sjws), nonwhite people are not able to write stories, nonwhite people don't have any stories about themselves etc. Interesting.
I am actually not sure what's wrong with dramatizing African stories. I read some of them in school. They exist. Stuff that the old griot recounts, from any culture, doesn't have quite the flair of a Hollywood movie, but it's not like they're beyond "makin' shit up."
In English: according to them (and according to other woke sjws), nonwhite people are not able to write stories, nonwhite people don't have any stories about themselves etc. Interesting.
And yet they love bastardizing classics from Europe
I am actually not sure what's wrong with dramatizing African stories. I read some of them in school. They exist. Stuff that the old griot recounts, from any culture, doesn't have quite the flair of a Hollywood movie, but it's not like they're beyond "makin' shit up."