Rebel News' Sheila Gunn Reid & William Diaz-Berthiaume livetweeting the hearing:
BREAKING: Judge rules Tamara Lich will be kept in detention. A trial will occur soon. Judge stated that “Tamara Lich has shown she will not follow court order and do as she wishes.”
To correct the record, the person deciding is NOT AN ACTUAL JUDGE NOR A LAWYER:
I had previously referred to the decision-maker here as a judge. He is not. He is a justice of the peace, and not a lawyer, but a former federal bureaucrat from the environment ministry.
He even made basic factual errors:
JP is making a factual mistake, thanks to relying on the bumbling Liberal crown and the lazy homicide detective for the underlying facts they didn't bother to investigate or confirm. He says Bernier was at JCCF event with his wife. JCCF comms tells me she was his dinner guest
JP calls the peaceful bouncy castle street party in Ottawa as the "siege" of the capital. Ridiculous.
JP said Lich was "flaunting her award" for her role in an "illegal occupation" and her role in "illegal activity" (At least the people who gave her the award are real lawyers, unlike this ridiculous justice of the peace.)
The JP seems annoyed that freedom protests are still ongoing. Perhaps he should think about the role the Ottawa courts are playing in giving people a reason to protest.
JP says people who are "victims" of the "occupation" will continue to fear as long as "organizers like Lich and Marazzo are allowed to socialize" Good grief. Someone else's Trudeau and CBC-induced mental fragility is not a reason to hold this peaceful woman another minute.
JP said the attendance of Lich at the JCCF awards dinner was "problematic" though an actual judge with a law degree - unlike this JP- gave her permission to be there.
This JP really does not like the JCCF and the fact they honoured Lich. he says once again she "flaunted her actions" of participating in the convoy by attending the event.
JP calls it absolutely ridiculous for Lich to think she could justify interacting with Marazzo by virtue of having her lawyers in the room. (which are literally her release conditions btw)
Lich, by then, will be held for 3 weeks for having a three-second interaction with a fellow convoy organizer, hardly time to hatch a seditious plot. Anyone arguing that this is normal or acceptable is evil. This is an absolute disgrace. She is only a danger to bad liberal ideas
tl;dr A non-judge whose past experience is working as a procurement bureaucrat in the parks dept was triggered she, on an actual judge's approval, attended an award ceremony. She then committed the heinous act of taking a selfie and whispering a couple words into a man's ear while surrounded by her lawyers.
Because this non-judge didn't like her protest, this 5 ft grannie must remain behind bars lest the CBC gets triggered by her freedom.
That's absurd.
The CBC gets triggered by everyone's freedom, not just hers.
Litteral state persecution.
The muppets doing this to her are so absurdly enraged by her basically existing outside solitary confinement, they will hold things against her that were specifically allowed by a judge.
Where is Amnesty International?
Probably angry she's not already in jail forever.
All this because people rose against the government's tyrany, and WEF stoodges cannot tolerate people opposing their totalitarian establishment.
Amnesty International is captured as well.
They explicitly wrote an Op-Ed during the Ottawa convoy condemning the "extremism and hate" of the working man and ultimately sided with Trudeau.
Bastille Day. An ill omen for alleged tyrants.
Most Canadians now just ridicule the word freedom and cheer at this stuff.
Canada has been a lost cause for decades. Even the 1982 constitution has a "Free speech!" paragraph modified by a "BUT" paragraph later on.
Imagine if the US Constitution had a big "BUT none of this applies if a Judge doesn't like it" amendment.
BZZT. It's the Constitution Act of 1982 of which PART 1 is the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
The more you know...
And ? Still don't mean squat because of Article 1 and 33 which means the Government can just ignore the Charter anytime it wishes.
BTW, I'm Canadian. Read this shit for years. There's a reason Quebec never signed on to this piece of garbage Constitution.
Because it's easier to understand for non-Canadians than calling it "The notwithstanding clause".
The "BUT paragraph" is much easier to understand for everyone and requires much less explanation. "Freedom of speech BUT..." is exactly what Articles 1 and 33 are.
Because you didn't know it was called the Constitution Act and tried to be snarky ?
Look, you pounced on my post, don't be surprised I reply back. Don't go and play victim on me to score some Internet pity points.
That's literally what you're doing to me!!! "You're uneducated because you say the 'BUT paragraph'".
Dude, you're literally gaslighting me right now. WTF. Why does everyone here all of sudden act like a friggin' SJW leftist.
Even here Canadians find a way to act smug AF. God damn this Anglo Canadian Attitude is annoying.
WTF are you talking about ? Where did I talk about the US Bill of Rights at all ?
You're making shit up now.
And you still got it wrong. It is the Constitution Act of 1982. Part 1 of which is the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, article 2 being the article that talks about freedom of expression, articles 1 and 33 that add a big "BUT" to it.
Not really interesting for any non-Canadians. Not really relevant either. Who cares about article numbers and legalese terminology, no one here is filing court documents.
And instead of being polite, you go full on SJW leftist attack mode and victim on me. WTF dude.
I literally called it the Canadian Constitution. Because it is the Canadian Constitution. That's why it's called the Constitution Act of 1982. I used the correct term.
You're the one that I find unhinged. You're literally acting triggered because someone called it the "BUT paragraph" instead of the "Notwithstanding clause" and cited the actual name of the Act instead of using the name of Part 1.
Think about that for a minute.
At this point in my life, if/when people just start beating and killing leftists, I just can't bring myself to give a fuck.
If Castro Jr gets hung outside his office, welp.
If some leftists here in the states fuck around, and don't ever show up again, they did it to themselves.
I have no empathy for them.