This is a good strategy to make student loans go the way of the dodo. Nobody's going to loan you money if you've announced in advance that you're trying to get the government to legalize defaulting on the loan.
Then you'll start complaining that only rich people can afford college.
Worse, much worse. When they say "canceling debt" what they actually mean is "you pay it off for them; get on it, taxpayer."
It's just more market interventionism, unearned money, stolen money, taxpayer waste, and perverse incentives to set up systems to take even more from you.
The vast majority of student debt holders are leftists. Canceling student debt would be a massive giveaway to leftists. For that reason alone, it should never happen.
This is a good strategy to make student loans go the way of the dodo. Nobody's going to loan you money if you've announced in advance that you're trying to get the government to legalize defaulting on the loan.
Then you'll start complaining that only rich people can afford college.
Worse, much worse. When they say "canceling debt" what they actually mean is "you pay it off for them; get on it, taxpayer."
It's just more market interventionism, unearned money, stolen money, taxpayer waste, and perverse incentives to set up systems to take even more from you.
The vast majority of student debt holders are leftists. Canceling student debt would be a massive giveaway to leftists. For that reason alone, it should never happen.