A former co-worker of mine who is a huge fan of the Wheel of Time books (pretty liberal but hated the show because it didn't follow much of the source material) showed me a shill article anticipating the next season and dismissing people who didn't like it as lore nerds who want everything like the books.
I am very sick of the attacks on people who had been fans of the original source material of an IP. I haven't seen the list in a while but I think that was one of the steps of geekergate that Itchy Bacca made. As for Wheel of Time I knew it was dead on arrival when the showrunner couldn't shut up about female/lgbt representation. Yes there is mention of pillow friends and the demigods seem to find pleasure with men and women, but in the 14 very thick books mention of that isn't very prevalent, but along with taking things that Rand does to give to female characters, he seems intent to "representing" lgbt.
The larger point is that it is laughable when people who say to respect the lore/source material are attacked as racists/sexists. When Disney bought Star Wars I remember so many articles praising the erasure of the EU, and while Disney has the right to do what it wants they would've been smarter in at least doing some sort of animated adaption of EU content like DC does with alternate storylines.
Sorry for the rant but the whole "nerds are evil" mindset really annoys me because it seems like a lot of these people who get control of these IPs or are hired as writers were the very people who laughed at those who played video games, read books, or comic books but once nerd stuff became trendy (thank you BBT and MCU) now everyone is an expert. Poster child for this is Anita Sarkessian. She really strikes me as someone who never gave gaming a second thought til she saw the money to be made whining endlessly about girls in gaming.
My thoughts on the matter.
They turn on the fans, part because they hate the fans, they hate us because they are not fans themselves, they were brainwashed in to thinking that the reason why they are not fans is because we kept them away from hobbies. In their marxist washed little brains we are the oppressors by simply liking something they do not like, but they will never see it that way.
They see themselves as the victims that are finally in power and now is their turn to hurt those that hurt them. Is all in their heads but no amount of reason will convince them of that, being a victim and fighting the oppressors is their religion now. A shallow, unrewarding, corrupt religion.
They will "fix" the material as much as possible to make it how they think it should be in order to be made for them and to hurt the fans.
You've seen it in Star Wars, how they treated the original characters, how they've humiliated them. They did not need to do that, but they did to hurt us. They added the super female character, so now star wars is finally made for them. Except the movie is shallow and full of plot holes, with unlikable characters, because they are shallow and unlikable themselves.
And I really hate the gatekeeping argument or the idea they were shunned. Plenty of nerdy guys like me loved the idea of a girl who was into gaming or comic books/sci-fi/fantasy. My knowledge was tested and it was fun. Same with nerd debates.
I enjoyed the prequels and I can understand their flaws but after the sequel trilogy I can really appreciate the fact it was made by someone who lives Star Wars. I watched Mandalorian before my Disney plus subscription ran out. It wasn’t bad but overall it feels like Star Wars is run by someone who doesn’t seem to care. Also look at marvel stuff. You have showrunners proudly stating that they couldn’t be bothered to research source material.
It's downright gaslighting when they rant about no women in games when most gamers could name at least five female protagonists off the top of their heads.
It's hard to tell if they know better and are poisoning the well, or they're just that ignorant and stupid. It's part of why I've lost my use for Hanlon's Razor. Ignorance and malice go hand in hand.
There's Alice, Alice, Alice, Alice, and Alys, to name 5 off the top of my head.
Stick to Occam's Razor, not Hanlon's. The simplest answer is they are malicious. Ignorance is too hard to fathom, too difficult to conceptualize. It requires multiple layers of justifications and conditionals, when I don't even need to go off more than one name to reach five named main characters.
Please tell me you were thinking of Phantasy Star 4. Please?
Exactly. In any of these hobbies there were always women or minorities who were interested but if certain people see a hobby that is majority male or majority white it’s automatically bad.