Interesting, but Herbert's writing isn't really my fave
Sounds interesting, but I can watch this dynamic in real time,...No need for a book.
Read it, would read again. Nothing like the movie, but great. As an aside I would like to recommend the book Bladerunner by Alan E. Nourse. GREAT book but again, nothing at all like the movie.
Sounds like reality last year for parts of Texas.
I think we have a winner.!!! I haven't read it, it's not reality I can already see, and it's not by an author whose writing style I know I won't like.
I still really, really think we should add Bladerunner to the potential mix. It's a great story about a dystopian future where medical supplies and services are carried out in the black market.
Got it days ago.
Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Heinlein is my all time favorite author so I’ll always go with him
I still really, really think we should add Bladerunner to the potential mix. It's a great story about a dystopian future where medical supplies and services are carried out in the black market.
Whoever posted the poll might practice proof-reading.
All these books seems interesting, and I've read none of them, so will refrain from marking a preference.
Youve overloooked the classic, crash ovverride by zoe, so ill take the pleasure of adding it to the list of our gg reading club.
Wait for next time when suggestions are open 😊 This is a list of the top suggestions from last week, eh?
crash override is the best book ever, if you dont read it, its because youre a faggot gaymer word