Some see a man's life as a buffet spread. They want all the respect and admiration, but they never put the hard work on their plate when it comes down to it.
Women demand to live a life free of consequences. To live a life free of responsibility. It is in fact ironic. To be free, you must take responsibility for yourself. unless you can enslave someone and force them to shoulder all the consequences and responsibility for your actions.
Some see a man's life as a buffet spread. They want all the respect and admiration, but they never put the hard work on their plate when it comes down to it.
Women are children. A better metaphor.
Women demand to live a life free of consequences. To live a life free of responsibility. It is in fact ironic. To be free, you must take responsibility for yourself. unless you can enslave someone and force them to shoulder all the consequences and responsibility for your actions.
Aren't women wonderful? Just tell them No.
I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability.
It's so fucking true.