Just say Jewish. We both know you're thinking it. You're the hellspawned cross of the 70s "anti-degeneracy" right and ConPro.
That's why I'll never register for Gab. You're a morally bankrupt shill for a system you know is broken, pushing it on disenfranchised young men desperate for respite from the feminist system.
You're taking advantage of the harm done to them to sell what is effectively snake oil, that the world can rebuild around Christianity and we can all get married and have kids and that's perfect.
All they have to do, to have this fairytale life, is to fight your war against whoever you say, and miraculously, women will treat them like human beings.
Except, we both know what you're selling is a sad fantasy, incompatible with reality, and that the only reason you push it is in the hope of directing the anger of young men away from the systems that betrayed them and the people who supported it, and towards your caricature villain class.
The problem is that the left controls all institutions, I would like to not have to worry that the state closes my bank account because I made a gay joke 10 years ago or that I do not agree with mask mandates.
The left does not "control all institutions". They control the high visibility institutions you care about, but it's all facade. Their power is a mile wide and an inch deep because they don't have control over the slower moving, structural pieces like the courts (they have ONE court, the Nutty Ninth, and even there they don't win all the time), nor the unstoppable force that is the invisible hand of consumer revealed preference.
They're trying to shape consumer preference, but their efforts are like trying to build a dam on the Mississippi by hand with a garden trowel.
If you GENUINELY believed they controlled everything, you'd have resorted to violence by now. The fact that you haven't proves the hyperbole.
What you are, is mad that you don't get any high visibly wins. You're the sort of fan who burns their baseball cap because the home team lost the ONE game you chose to attend the whole year. Destroying a high profile individual is not hard, for our side or for theirs; and our side is learning to pick better people to elevate to high visibility positions while the left is stuck with the fact that their loudest people are also the craziest.
Just say Jewish. We both know you're thinking it. You're the hellspawned cross of the 70s "anti-degeneracy" right and ConPro.
That's why I'll never register for Gab. You're a morally bankrupt shill for a system you know is broken, pushing it on disenfranchised young men desperate for respite from the feminist system.
You're taking advantage of the harm done to them to sell what is effectively snake oil, that the world can rebuild around Christianity and we can all get married and have kids and that's perfect.
All they have to do, to have this fairytale life, is to fight your war against whoever you say, and miraculously, women will treat them like human beings.
Except, we both know what you're selling is a sad fantasy, incompatible with reality, and that the only reason you push it is in the hope of directing the anger of young men away from the systems that betrayed them and the people who supported it, and towards your caricature villain class.
What is your alternative?
Define the problem, and we'll give you a solution.
Your problem is you've chosen the solution you want, like a carpenter bringing a framing hammer to a tenderloin cooking contest.
The problem is that the left controls all institutions, I would like to not have to worry that the state closes my bank account because I made a gay joke 10 years ago or that I do not agree with mask mandates.
Then why aren't you shooting by now?
If you're going to be hyperbolic then so am I.
The left does not "control all institutions". They control the high visibility institutions you care about, but it's all facade. Their power is a mile wide and an inch deep because they don't have control over the slower moving, structural pieces like the courts (they have ONE court, the Nutty Ninth, and even there they don't win all the time), nor the unstoppable force that is the invisible hand of consumer revealed preference.
They're trying to shape consumer preference, but their efforts are like trying to build a dam on the Mississippi by hand with a garden trowel.
If you GENUINELY believed they controlled everything, you'd have resorted to violence by now. The fact that you haven't proves the hyperbole.
What you are, is mad that you don't get any high visibly wins. You're the sort of fan who burns their baseball cap because the home team lost the ONE game you chose to attend the whole year. Destroying a high profile individual is not hard, for our side or for theirs; and our side is learning to pick better people to elevate to high visibility positions while the left is stuck with the fact that their loudest people are also the craziest.