The problem is that the left controls all institutions, I would like to not have to worry that the state closes my bank account because I made a gay joke 10 years ago or that I do not agree with mask mandates.
The problem is that the left controls all institutions
The reason for that is the 19th amendment. That is an inevitable result of women's voting because women, particularly unmarried women, have no stake in the future of a nation.
As long as women can vote the 19th will never be repealed, so there is no political solution. The best case and also least likely scenario is balkanization. The worst and most likely is descent into tyranny followed by a collapse.
The left does not "control all institutions". They control the high visibility institutions you care about, but it's all facade. Their power is a mile wide and an inch deep because they don't have control over the slower moving, structural pieces like the courts (they have ONE court, the Nutty Ninth, and even there they don't win all the time), nor the unstoppable force that is the invisible hand of consumer revealed preference.
They're trying to shape consumer preference, but their efforts are like trying to build a dam on the Mississippi by hand with a garden trowel.
If you GENUINELY believed they controlled everything, you'd have resorted to violence by now. The fact that you haven't proves the hyperbole.
What you are, is mad that you don't get any high visibly wins. You're the sort of fan who burns their baseball cap because the home team lost the ONE game you chose to attend the whole year. Destroying a high profile individual is not hard, for our side or for theirs; and our side is learning to pick better people to elevate to high visibility positions while the left is stuck with the fact that their loudest people are also the craziest.
If you say so. I do not see all those wins behind the scenes nor have you given a solution.
I for one like Christians helping out in the culture war, I think that freedom of religion is a good defense. I also tend to like most Christians I've met.
First, so that you understand my perspective, I'm a Quaker. I don't attend meeting because frankly most Quakers (at least Iowa Yearly) are so naïve they unironically believe everything the cultural marxists say.
We may be crazy, because we genuinely believe in building heaven on Earth. But I want you to understand that we are NOT Protestants (we're basically the Puritans radical left wing). We didn't rise out of Luther's continental movement, we were a group that felt the Anglicans didn't go far enough and that the only thing Cromwell did wrong was die before the work was done.
So with all that said, I'll get to my point.
Protestantism is the problem.
Luther and Calvin and Wesley did not build. They only destroyed, and everything their movements touch crumbles.
The problem is that the left controls all institutions, I would like to not have to worry that the state closes my bank account because I made a gay joke 10 years ago or that I do not agree with mask mandates.
The reason for that is the 19th amendment. That is an inevitable result of women's voting because women, particularly unmarried women, have no stake in the future of a nation.
As long as women can vote the 19th will never be repealed, so there is no political solution. The best case and also least likely scenario is balkanization. The worst and most likely is descent into tyranny followed by a collapse.
Then why aren't you shooting by now?
If you're going to be hyperbolic then so am I.
The left does not "control all institutions". They control the high visibility institutions you care about, but it's all facade. Their power is a mile wide and an inch deep because they don't have control over the slower moving, structural pieces like the courts (they have ONE court, the Nutty Ninth, and even there they don't win all the time), nor the unstoppable force that is the invisible hand of consumer revealed preference.
They're trying to shape consumer preference, but their efforts are like trying to build a dam on the Mississippi by hand with a garden trowel.
If you GENUINELY believed they controlled everything, you'd have resorted to violence by now. The fact that you haven't proves the hyperbole.
What you are, is mad that you don't get any high visibly wins. You're the sort of fan who burns their baseball cap because the home team lost the ONE game you chose to attend the whole year. Destroying a high profile individual is not hard, for our side or for theirs; and our side is learning to pick better people to elevate to high visibility positions while the left is stuck with the fact that their loudest people are also the craziest.
If you say so. I do not see all those wins behind the scenes nor have you given a solution. I for one like Christians helping out in the culture war, I think that freedom of religion is a good defense. I also tend to like most Christians I've met.
First, so that you understand my perspective, I'm a Quaker. I don't attend meeting because frankly most Quakers (at least Iowa Yearly) are so naïve they unironically believe everything the cultural marxists say.
We may be crazy, because we genuinely believe in building heaven on Earth. But I want you to understand that we are NOT Protestants (we're basically the Puritans radical left wing). We didn't rise out of Luther's continental movement, we were a group that felt the Anglicans didn't go far enough and that the only thing Cromwell did wrong was die before the work was done.
So with all that said, I'll get to my point.
Protestantism is the problem.
Luther and Calvin and Wesley did not build. They only destroyed, and everything their movements touch crumbles.