I guess the Kaliningrad Military District has been actually "encircled" by us in Poland, but that's ever since they have Physically Removed all the native Prussians from Konigsberg in 1945.
They are undeniably circling Russia. "Not one inch" becomes "oh, just some of Eastern Europe oh and some Baltic states and oh some Balkan states and more Balkan states, how about fucking Turkey, and please ignore the color revolutions in Central Asia... and uh maybe Georgia can join..." And beyond the blatant aggression of this I don't want a mutual defense pact with every fucking country that shares a border with Russia. "Don't worry, Russia, it's not technically a circle because we haven't figured out how to admit the Arctic to NATO."
I hate this adoration of doctors and nurses. I'm friends with a number of doctors and they're not "noble healers," they're meat mechanics. They care about their patients about as much as any other service worker cares about their customers. Most doctors are in it for the money and prestige.
If doctors actually cared about their patients, they'd have a suicide rate similar to veterinarians, who actually do suffer from compassion fatigue.
Latvian statue of “frontline” workers. It’s literal worship of wokeness as a deity.
They might have "frontline workers" soon at this rate of Russian aggression.
*Russia pushback against NATO encirclement
"Encirclement" from one side?
I guess the Kaliningrad Military District has been actually "encircled" by us in Poland, but that's ever since they have Physically Removed all the native Prussians from Konigsberg in 1945.
They are undeniably circling Russia. "Not one inch" becomes "oh, just some of Eastern Europe oh and some Baltic states and oh some Balkan states and more Balkan states, how about fucking Turkey, and please ignore the color revolutions in Central Asia... and uh maybe Georgia can join..." And beyond the blatant aggression of this I don't want a mutual defense pact with every fucking country that shares a border with Russia. "Don't worry, Russia, it's not technically a circle because we haven't figured out how to admit the Arctic to NATO."
I hate this adoration of doctors and nurses. I'm friends with a number of doctors and they're not "noble healers," they're meat mechanics. They care about their patients about as much as any other service worker cares about their customers. Most doctors are in it for the money and prestige.
If doctors actually cared about their patients, they'd have a suicide rate similar to veterinarians, who actually do suffer from compassion fatigue.