The Dead End of the Martin Luther King Jr. Myth.
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On the other hand, where MLK at least espoused nonviolence, BLM openly espouses omnidirectional hyperviolence aimed at everyone and everything, including their own erstwhile allies and even other blacks unlucky enough to own a business within looting range. They're so tactless and stupid they can't even lie effectively, they make no effort whatsoever to court people who might be sympathetic to their supposed "plight."
Blacks are literally worse off today in every quality of life measurement than they were under Jim Crow in the 1950s.
Not being alive at the time or knowing anyone who lived in the South during that era it's hard for me to say whether or not his "espoused nonviolence" was done with a wink and a nod as is done today.
At best you could say he espoused official violence: a truly pacifist activist would show equal disapproval for the US Army and National Guard enforcing desegregation at gunpoint as they would for Southern police departments enforcing segregation at gunpoint.
Well, there was a shitload of racial violence going on in the 60s. I guess King didn't promote it. He was hardly the only influencer. Absolutely he was trying to have the weapons of government -- northern government -- pointed at white Southerners. This wasn't a "hey please can we all get along"; it was "you will accept the negro in white spaces"
BLM has done more damage to race relations in the last few years then the KKK has done in its entire existence.
The KKK was pseudo-governmental when it was big. BLM is anarchist. People feel better about race relations when there is order. People feel worse when there is chaos.
I have a vivid memory of buying a gun during the time when there were all the BLM riots. Tons of people waiting in line to buy. I'd say 40% black, 40% white, 20% other. We were all buying guns to defend ourselves against the same people: the violent black anarchist mob.