And you can't stop me from sharing your words or copying your pictures.
Making a copy is not theft. It's not stealing your property when you still have your property in your hands.
The best you have is rubbish rethoric designed to protect the propagandists, like "copyright infringement", and fuck that.
Now you can argue that profiting from others creativite work is a form of plagarism, and I would back you there, but that's not what we're talking about. A system that protects against plagarism everyone would support, but you're here talking shit because you're mad people aren't paying their tax to the indoctrinators for providing them with more agitprop, and fuck that twice.
Just hearing "stealing copyrighted materials" makes me puke. You've been brainwashed well by your handlers if you're spewing garbage like "copyrighted" with no sense of irony.
Without copyright, we wouldn't have such a plethora of inventions and works of art.
What a retarded idea. We managed well for the majority of recorded history without the concept of copyright. People don't stop inventing or writing because there's some holes in the paywall. Soulless, empty vessels work like that. Grifters work like that. And soulless grifters shouldn't be making art anyway, they're just adding noise to the point where today there's hardly any signal left.
Artists create for the sake of art and their communities and themselves. They create to share. What the hell else is the fucking point.
As an artist you live from patrons, grants, and sales - but there's no natural law that says police have to step up and the government has to step up to stop others from sharing your output so that you can scale up to the level of a billionare.
And to add to this, if someone wants to support your product or your work they will. And that's not even getting into the view of piracy as a service problem, which Gabe Newell spoke about back in 2011. (archive link once it gets archived)
“We think there is a fundamental misconception about piracy. Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem,” he said. “If a pirate offers a product anywhere in the world, 24 x 7, purchasable from the convenience of your personal computer, and the legal provider says the product is region-locked, will come to your country 3 months after the US release, and can only be purchased at a brick and mortar store, then the pirate’s service is more valuable.”
. . .
Prior to entering the Russian market, we were told that Russia was a waste of time because everyone would pirate our products. Russia is now about to become [Steam’s] largest market in Europe,”
. . .
“Our success comes from making sure that both customers and partners (e.g. Activision, Take 2, Ubisoft…) feel like they get a lot of value from those services, and that they can trust us not to take advantage of the relationship that we have with them.”
I can't tell you how many times I've pirated something and then ended up buying a copy legitimately (and often gifting copies to friends!) IRL friends would all say the same.
Or how I wanted to see or read something and the only way to acquire a copy was through piracy.
Or how I had purchased something legitimately years and years ago but the only way to reacquire it without "piracy" was to purchase it 2nd or 3rd hand from God knows who for God knows how much. I highly doubt the creators saw money go into their pockets from those sales.
Piracy, torrenting, w/e you want to call it is used by people who probably never intend on paying a single dime for anything, but I generally think that at the end of the day creators benefit from "piracy."
For the longest time, I stopped pirating games. Once I got a Steam account, I think the only game I pirated was SWAT 4 which was literally impossible to buy until GOG started selling it digitally which resulted in me buying it instantly.
Than Epig Shame Whore came around and started turning PC games into fucking store exclusives.
Congrats on your personal experiences. Let me share mine.
Everyone I've known who pirates games has ceased paying for them altogether.
As far as I'm concerned, "I pay after I've stolen it" is the "my genetics made me fat" of piracy apologetics; it's true for a miniscule percentage of the population, but everyone acts like it's the norm.
I'm going to reply to the guy above here too because Win deleted my direct reply to him. (there's more than 5 replies) He said:
steal copyrighted materials
That doesn't make any sense. I'm for some basic copyright and patent stuff to stimulate innovation, but copyright infringement isn't stealing. It's usually a civil offense in free societies. It's like he was channeling some RIAA spokesman who said "you're stealing our profits!"
Now you could argue that if someone says "Look I'll make and distribute this game, but ONLY if you pay me. Please don't play it without paying me", then it's immoral to play the game without his permission, but that doesn't make it theft.
This kind of redefinition of common words for propaganda purposes is why I'm now an anti-vaxxer for some reason.
You can't own ideas.
And you can't stop me from sharing your words or copying your pictures.
Making a copy is not theft. It's not stealing your property when you still have your property in your hands.
The best you have is rubbish rethoric designed to protect the propagandists, like "copyright infringement", and fuck that.
Now you can argue that profiting from others creativite work is a form of plagarism, and I would back you there, but that's not what we're talking about. A system that protects against plagarism everyone would support, but you're here talking shit because you're mad people aren't paying their tax to the indoctrinators for providing them with more agitprop, and fuck that twice.
Just hearing "stealing copyrighted materials" makes me puke. You've been brainwashed well by your handlers if you're spewing garbage like "copyrighted" with no sense of irony.
What a retarded idea. We managed well for the majority of recorded history without the concept of copyright. People don't stop inventing or writing because there's some holes in the paywall. Soulless, empty vessels work like that. Grifters work like that. And soulless grifters shouldn't be making art anyway, they're just adding noise to the point where today there's hardly any signal left.
Artists create for the sake of art and their communities and themselves. They create to share. What the hell else is the fucking point.
As an artist you live from patrons, grants, and sales - but there's no natural law that says police have to step up and the government has to step up to stop others from sharing your output so that you can scale up to the level of a billionare.
And to add to this, if someone wants to support your product or your work they will. And that's not even getting into the view of piracy as a service problem, which Gabe Newell spoke about back in 2011. (archive link once it gets archived)
. . .
. . .
I can't tell you how many times I've pirated something and then ended up buying a copy legitimately (and often gifting copies to friends!) IRL friends would all say the same.
Or how I wanted to see or read something and the only way to acquire a copy was through piracy.
Or how I had purchased something legitimately years and years ago but the only way to reacquire it without "piracy" was to purchase it 2nd or 3rd hand from God knows who for God knows how much. I highly doubt the creators saw money go into their pockets from those sales.
Piracy, torrenting, w/e you want to call it is used by people who probably never intend on paying a single dime for anything, but I generally think that at the end of the day creators benefit from "piracy."
For the longest time, I stopped pirating games. Once I got a Steam account, I think the only game I pirated was SWAT 4 which was literally impossible to buy until GOG started selling it digitally which resulted in me buying it instantly.
Than Epig Shame Whore came around and started turning PC games into fucking store exclusives.
The industry can only blame itself.
Congrats on your personal experiences. Let me share mine.
Everyone I've known who pirates games has ceased paying for them altogether.
As far as I'm concerned, "I pay after I've stolen it" is the "my genetics made me fat" of piracy apologetics; it's true for a miniscule percentage of the population, but everyone acts like it's the norm.
I'm going to reply to the guy above here too because Win deleted my direct reply to him. (there's more than 5 replies) He said:
That doesn't make any sense. I'm for some basic copyright and patent stuff to stimulate innovation, but copyright infringement isn't stealing. It's usually a civil offense in free societies. It's like he was channeling some RIAA spokesman who said "you're stealing our profits!"
Now you could argue that if someone says "Look I'll make and distribute this game, but ONLY if you pay me. Please don't play it without paying me", then it's immoral to play the game without his permission, but that doesn't make it theft.
This kind of redefinition of common words for propaganda purposes is why I'm now an anti-vaxxer for some reason.