As per title, have you guys been doing anything special for New Year's, or have a review or recommendation?
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The funniest goddamned part of that saga was that you can only be a tranny in D&D if you are the laziest piece of shit imaginable.
If you're doing Rules as Written ^TM, you can get a cursed Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity that forcibly changes your sex when equipped. As a cursed item, it's sale value is 0, so you can technically get it from any mage store using the standard sales tables for free.
If you're intent on actually playing the game like some sort of nerd incel, you can just get a Wizard to Polymorph you into the other sex.
Anything else is just "look at me! I'm TRAAAAAAAANNNNSSSSS" virtue signaling.
Preach on, m'man - I've been saying this ever since they started that shit with the trans insert NPC. DMs have been using the Girdle as a player trap (no pun intended) for years, so it's painfully obvious that anyone in a D&D world that would potentially want to be the opposite sex could be the opposite sex with relative ease once one of those was located. Anything else that is presented as "trans" in a D&D-based fantasy world is just a player with a fetish that they don't want to admit to, virtue signaling it up for oppression points.
I've noticed that with many other games. Where it's fantasy or so futuristic that they could roleplay as someone who actually changed sex, but it's clear they don't want that. They just to virtue signal. They want to play as non-passing queer freaks who flaunt their mental illnesses and fetishes and get praised for it.
At least, that's what woke, pandering corporations would have us believe.