If the comment is fake (note that I said fake and not a parody), then the upvotes certainly are fake. As for a parody, it depends on whether people get it. These numbers suggest that they did, if it is a parody.
Note that Reddit is overwhelmingly white neckbeard.
Women are hurt by it, children are hurt by it, men are hurt by it, old people are hurt by it, pregnant women are hurt by it, the economy in general is hurt by it. Literally everyone is hurt by the vaccine mandates. The only people who benefit are parts of the government and the pharmaceutical corporations.
Something is off about this comment. Too mustache-twirling, too cringy. There is no record of this comment in this user's history either.
Now maybe he deleted it, but Ockham's razor suggests that this one is fake as hell.
EDIT: His latest comment is answering on a thread asking men where they have masturbated last.
I trust your reddit-fu.
It seems too on the nose - designed to strawman the case for vaccinations
Even if the comment is fake, the upvotes aren't.
Well, unless they're fake too. These things are trivial to fake outside of mobile browsers - text as well as score.
There's no reason for them to be fake. Women have upvoted far worse. Twitter has put far worse from them on Trending.
If the comment is fake (note that I said fake and not a parody), then the upvotes certainly are fake. As for a parody, it depends on whether people get it. These numbers suggest that they did, if it is a parody.
Note that Reddit is overwhelmingly white neckbeard.
I was gonna say, are we sure you didn't write this one?
I did not, but it is slightly inline with how I feel they think.
sauce :
deleted as it is faked
Regardless of the veracity of the comment...
But they're not gleefully enjoying your misery. Don't be ridiculous.
Yeah trannies do enjoy forcing misery on others.
It's the Left, they are all resentment mongers and they enjoy using power to hurt people.
But who are the people actually being hurt by vax mandates?
... everyone?
Women are hurt by it, children are hurt by it, men are hurt by it, old people are hurt by it, pregnant women are hurt by it, the economy in general is hurt by it. Literally everyone is hurt by the vaccine mandates. The only people who benefit are parts of the government and the pharmaceutical corporations.
Please find me the myocarditis risk for women, thanks.
I don't follow the details all that closely, someone else can probably do that better.
Reading that made me want to perpetrate (sic) rape culture.
And by that I mean convert to Islam.
no thanks, i prefer freedom lmao, you would hate a real islamic culture when you were forced in it.
Guess what, I also hate western culture at this point.
It's all resentment mongering.
It's an emotional and psychological manipulation to control you.
Don't tolerate it, but also don't fall into it.
These are the ineffectual cries of a slave at best; or more likely the crab at the bottom of the bucket.
Except this is literally what they're doing.
The intent is likely satire. It's too "yes, we are fucking evil." to be real.
But, the upvotes aren't. The reality of who drives the world towards vaccine mandates isn't.
Everyone on reddit is a tranny. Who cares what they are posting?
Rage-bait, division sewing, agenda driven, fiction. This reads fake AF. This is r/thathappened, material.
Handshake defends women...
This writes itself.
trannies 👏arent 👏women
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