Not an expert but isn't democracy fundamentally flawed. The tyranny of the majority is something that used to be considered a bug of the system, now it is a desirable feature?
Democracy only works in a racially and culturally homogeneous nation, and necessitates that the vote is tied to land ownership and to an individual family.
That is the circumstance under which the founders saw potential.
Over the years every single piece of what the founders set up as checks on the corruption of democracy were removed and cast aside.
Now a foreign invader with 80iq has the same theoretical political power as a generational native with an iq of 120.
Is that justice? Does that lead to a positive future? It very obviously does not.
Not an expert but isn't democracy fundamentally flawed. The tyranny of the majority is something that used to be considered a bug of the system, now it is a desirable feature?
Democracy only works in a racially and culturally homogeneous nation, and necessitates that the vote is tied to land ownership and to an individual family.
That is the circumstance under which the founders saw potential.
Over the years every single piece of what the founders set up as checks on the corruption of democracy were removed and cast aside.
Now a foreign invader with 80iq has the same theoretical political power as a generational native with an iq of 120.
Is that justice? Does that lead to a positive future? It very obviously does not.
Well, to that point, in a homogenous state a native with an iq of 120 has the same power as a native with an iq of 50. Is that justice?
Would the 50iq monkey own land and have a family?
Your original point only focused on IQ, so that's where I was building from.
But for this exercise we'll say yes, since we'll have everyone on the same playing field.