Point. However, in the minds of the left, the people who attacked Rittenhouse were good, noble, peaceful protesters who were trying to put a stop to this evil white supremacist who was carrying a gun and provoking them. Or in other words, they were people who were taking the law into their own hands to put down a crook who absolutely deserved it. So even by their own logic, the animals Rittenhouse killed (and the one he wounded) would still be vigilantes.
On another note, calling Rittenhouse a vigilante is a very self-defeating argument for the left. By doing so, they are functionally admitting that everyone he shot and who attacked him was a criminal.
You made a great point, but I just want to point out that most of noisy leftists whining about this case don't actually think, and they're using "vigilantism" because everyone else is saying it. It's all feelings. There's nothing behind their arguments and nothing going on in their heads.
You know what, I didn't think about it "from their POV." Because you're right, if those guys were as the left likes to think of them, then yes, they would be the "vigilantes."
Point. However, in the minds of the left, the people who attacked Rittenhouse were good, noble, peaceful protesters who were trying to put a stop to this evil white supremacist who was carrying a gun and provoking them. Or in other words, they were people who were taking the law into their own hands to put down a crook who absolutely deserved it. So even by their own logic, the animals Rittenhouse killed (and the one he wounded) would still be vigilantes.
On another note, calling Rittenhouse a vigilante is a very self-defeating argument for the left. By doing so, they are functionally admitting that everyone he shot and who attacked him was a criminal.
You made a great point, but I just want to point out that most of noisy leftists whining about this case don't actually think, and they're using "vigilantism" because everyone else is saying it. It's all feelings. There's nothing behind their arguments and nothing going on in their heads.
You know what, I didn't think about it "from their POV." Because you're right, if those guys were as the left likes to think of them, then yes, they would be the "vigilantes."