Can anyone recommend any books that go over slavery from a global perspective? I read Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell earlier this year and he had a chapter about it but I wanted to do a deeper dive. I also remember someone sending me a link to a youtube video about it but I can't find it so if anyone has a good video please send me the link as well.
I recently had a discussion with someone and told them that slavery should be taught from a global perspective and he accused me of diminishing or trying to ignore American slavery. I told him that everyone is well aware of American slavery and the problem is that a lot of young people seem to think that it is something unique to America and not something that is as old as time. Also, he didn't believe me when I said it still goes on in parts of the world.
Said someone is a retard, and should be removed from your life if possible.
Not quite what you're looking for, but I'd still recommend 'War Before Civilization: The Myth of the Peaceful Savage'
Also, 'Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates: The Forgotten War That Changed American History' the story of our first war against the slavers of north Africa (aka the pirates of the Barbary Coast)
Thanks! I’ll check it out. I honestly didn’t know about whites being enslaved till I was in my late teens
These are all blind recommendations as I haven’t read them but I found them on z library ( when I searched for global slavery.
Critical Readings on Global Slavery (4 vols.) edited by Damian Alan Pargas and Felicia Rosu (
Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy by Kevin Bales (
The Problem of Slavery as History: A Global Approach by Joseph C. Miller (
What is a Slave Society? The Practice of Slavery in Global Perspective by Noel Lenski and Catherine M. Cameron (
I can’t speak on any wokeness in the books or the authors but the downloads are free so if you have the time pick a book and take a stab at it. I’d start reading one but I’m still on the Gulag Archipelago right now.
You can download five books per day without an account so if you want you could also send your friend a copy of Tarnsman of Gor by John Norman. You could consider that a historical embellishment of non-American slavery from a certain point of view.
Thank you! I look forward to reading. I wanted to be better prepared should another discussion happen
Doubt you need it, but if you want to refer the other guy to it: