102 Sweden 2026 (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 3 years ago by Eldourado 3 years ago by Eldourado +102 / -0 40 comments download share 40 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
This seems way to optimistic. Any reason to expect part of Sweden to culturally survive?
Any reason to expect any part of the world except Israel to culturally survive?
Poland seems to be holding firm.
Didn't their PM just concede that EU law trumps their constitution?
Poland is due to be ruled by a centrist-leftist (where "center" is the EU style and "left" ranges form literal ex-communists to the USA-style completely deranged wokes) coalition soon.
Poland is one bad election away from turning into an EU puppet. Let’s not pretend them and Hungary can keep going like this.
They are slowly and systematically bowing down to the EU.