"White male KKK member" turns out to be black woman
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That's why there's an entire website dedicated to this stupid shit now, which she's been added to:
These people are so desperate to feel victimized that they literally go around committing hate-crimes themselves while roleplaying as some make-believe Nazi or white supremacist.
Why the hell would you want to victimize yourself? Maybe it's because we now live in a culture where victims are lavished in praise, attention, and even money, simply for being so *"Stunning & Brave"*™?
Or, maybe they just desperately wish their ghost story hate-fantasies were reality when they're pretty much not.
Almost every modern incident of a "hate-crime" that I see is literally just people making shit up in order to pretend the crime was somehow racially motivated. It's so mind-numbingly retarded that I'm truly floored every time I see virtue chasing goofs drooling and clapping along.
Here is the latest example. I considered making this into a thread, but just haven't gotten around to it.
Anyone with half a brain can see the pure insanity this dumb bitch pretends happened as she lies through her teeth and tries to stir up the perpetually insecure victims into taking action.
It's truly disgusting.
Thanks for posting this. This needs to get all the attention
I could have predicted it was a woman from minute one.
If they don't have data to use to dehumanize, they just make something up.
No surprise. I always assume a racial incident is a hoax unless proven otherwise
Nothing new under the sun.
Remember how John Walker Flynt sent threats to himself before loging out on steam? Remember how on some campus there were swastikas taped to walls... that were turning in the wrong direction?
Tumblr in Action used to have a sticky where a girl posted a picture of a school fountain with "colored only" sign only to be responded by a girl from her school telling how she put it there herself.
Anyone else remember more hoaxes?
Mattress girl