You know it's just [Begin Flag]SS[End Flag]? Flag emojis don't exist in unicode for "political" reasons (meaning Communist Usurper China throws a bitch fit if someone acknowledges the flag of Real China).
e: I got the technical details wrong. It would actually be [regional indicator s][regional indicator s], but same general idea.
Diversity hire. I can name a lot of flags, give me a lucrative journalism job.
Really? Without googling it, post the emoji for the flag of South Sudan.
You know it's just [Begin Flag]SS[End Flag]? Flag emojis don't exist in unicode for "political" reasons (meaning Communist Usurper China throws a bitch fit if someone acknowledges the flag of Real China).
e: I got the technical details wrong. It would actually be [regional indicator s][regional indicator s], but same general idea.
My phone isn't new enough to have that flag, apparently.