Most of these cases are likely murder too, especially the highly publicized political ones. There are a lot of doctors on twitter that brag about intubating the unvaxxed, which has been known to kill people instead of saving them since a couple months after lockdowns started.
its a pretty fucked world where sick people are being killed by doctors for poltical reasons.
things are going to get worse. This is just the tip of what they have planned for political enemies. Join a community of people that share your values NOW.
Nurses are almost always women who barely passed schooling, who think the world revolves around them, and have the ego to think they deserve to decide who lives/dies.
For every mouthy doctor you see on the internet, there are 60 nurses working under them doing far worse shit.
Seen this *hit first hand. Lot of third world idiot nurses. I was with a patient in a teaching hospital listening in and the level of idiocy is astounding. Now with all the frontline workers being heroes stuff added in, they would love to abuse their power and think they're above it all.
the hashtag #ShoutYourAbortion became a global phenomenon, inspiring tens of thousands of women to share their abortion stories with pride
well that's settled because no one lies on twitter
this is exactly how libshits smear conservatives, they repeat something twitter nobodies said and claim its what all of us believe. fuck off with your gay dipshit lib smears
even if i play a devil fuckass like you, thats 5 tweeters quoted. thats not even a small majority, dumbass.
and in the former article, you are quoting 4 "ACTRESSES" and a journalist as its very common. dont be such a fucking retard, dumbass
Most of these cases are likely murder too, especially the highly publicized political ones. There are a lot of doctors on twitter that brag about intubating the unvaxxed, which has been known to kill people instead of saving them since a couple months after lockdowns started.
its a pretty fucked world where sick people are being killed by doctors for poltical reasons.
things are going to get worse. This is just the tip of what they have planned for political enemies. Join a community of people that share your values NOW.
Its probably not doctors doing it. Its nurses.
Nurses are almost always women who barely passed schooling, who think the world revolves around them, and have the ego to think they deserve to decide who lives/dies.
For every mouthy doctor you see on the internet, there are 60 nurses working under them doing far worse shit.
Fun fact: most female serial killers tend to be nurses or caretakers.
Seen this *hit first hand. Lot of third world idiot nurses. I was with a patient in a teaching hospital listening in and the level of idiocy is astounding. Now with all the frontline workers being heroes stuff added in, they would love to abuse their power and think they're above it all.
Nurses can't order intubation
More likely that they're not really doing that. They're just saying they are to scare people into getting the experimental shot.
I dont think they celebrate it. dont be a shitlib and making shit up lmao
well that's settled because no one lies on twitter
this is exactly how libshits smear conservatives, they repeat something twitter nobodies said and claim its what all of us believe. fuck off with your gay dipshit lib smears
even if i play a devil fuckass like you, thats 5 tweeters quoted. thats not even a small majority, dumbass.
and in the former article, you are quoting 4 "ACTRESSES" and a journalist as its very common. dont be such a fucking retard, dumbass
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