I was at my local comic book shop recently (strictly back issues now when it comes to Marvel and DC) and I bought some 80s/90s era Superman comic books from the dollar bin and the cashier was talking about how great it was that they were going to do a black superman. I told him that if it is one of the alternate universe version then sure, but I wanted the Clark Kent superman to look like he does in the comic book. The guy was kind of shocked about that.
When the whole diversity obsession started I just assumed that it meant the best people for the job regardless of race (yes I can hear y'all laughing at my naivete) but definitely in the entertainment industry it is about anything but making good stories.
One thing I honestly don't understand is if you want to see more women, minorities, etc. then shouldn't you promote stuff that is actually good? Like the first Blade movie was pretty popular and they didn't need to push the representation card. We have all watched as garbage movie, tv show, comic book, video game, gets hyped to the moon because an actor/author/designer/director checks the right boxes. I don't know how many times I've screamed in frustration that diversity is neutral and it doesn't necessarily make something better or worse.
And when it comes to women (not talking about women are are actual fans of an IP) they seem to insist on putting a square peg into a round hole. "Oh this is a series that mainly appeals to guys? well then lets remake it and fill it with women and then blame those men when it bombs". Also any reader of science fiction/fantasy has seen that to win the Hugo or Nebula in the last few years you basically have to be a woman (preferably minority) who screeches about how evil white men are.
Same thing goes with Oscars/Emmys. I used to wonder why the worthless critics clap like seals if a woman or minority directs a movie and refuse to call it out if it is bad. Even with that garbage Wrinkle in Time adaptation by Ava "I can't go two seconds without whining about oppression" Duvernay was praised by the critics and she even said she was focused on race while making it.
Up until a few years ago I used to give pretty much any book or show a chance but not anymore. With a few exceptions I don't watch or ready anything made after 2014. With video games I think I'm safe with modded Skyrim and will give Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6 a chance.
They don't care about making a good story, just pushing an agenda. I guarantee you that a woman actually was a fan of Star Wars would have a hard time getting hired at LucasFilm. Or a minority who wanted to get into directing to tell good stories. Of course a white male has to frequently apologize for being white. I actually used to joke that since I'm black I could film myself walking down the street with a narration about how oppressed I am and win an Oscar or some sort of award. Now that isn't even a joke because I probably could win something for that.
On a good note, at my local comic book store the back issue and dollar bin section are so busy that they had to put a time limit on how long you can stay back there. Also Manga sells well there. I'm sure you can guess what isn't selling well.
To me if you change the race it's just not the same character in most of these cases. Superman is Clark Kent, a white guy with glasses. Batman is Bruce Wayne a rich white guy who's parents were shot in front of him. Spider-man I actually have no idea there's way too much Spider-verse stuff and I'm not in to comics at all. I'll stick with the regular old Peter Parker Spider-man myself. Even worse is making James Bond a woman. I might could accept a black man without much fuss, but James Bond's persona is just impossible for a woman.
I'm really starting to buy into the idea they just want to ruin things out of spite myself. They could just make black characters. At one point they did. If you look at the most popular male actors 25 years ago (e.g. Morgan Freeman, Samuel L Jackson, etc.) there were plenty of black characters that weren't bad. At some point a switch flipped and now every black character has to be focused on their oppression and how awful it was. It just makes for bad stories.
Exactly. Look at how popular the first Blade movie was. With James Bond I don’t understand why they can’t just spin-off a new agent.
Everything else is secondary to pushing the narrative, even money, even human life. Sometimes they'll admit they're pushing an agenda, sometimes they won't and get mad if you try and point out that they obviously are, you can't win. They feel entitled, they don't care if they are actually deserving, they're Narcissistic. So Jemisin winning the Hugo 3 years in a row? Couldn't possibly be because she's a Black woman. Never mind that even the titans (Heinlein, Clarke, Asimov) never did. Another reason could also be a dearth of good competition, a lot of writers have been gatekeeped out of the industry. Winning against a bunch of lightweights means nothing (though this wasn't the reason). They care about winning by any means necessary, not by making something great and doing it honorably. Point is, people like her, Hollywood, etc. Don't care about what is right, what is quality, they care about getting what they want and forcing it on others. Doesn't matter it sticks or not. They think others should have to feel and think the same way they do. They're evil, and narcissists.
Also the sci-fi books that sell well don’t win since they are written by white males. Orson Scott Card comes to mind.
Yea Jemison is one of the poster children for the woke mafia.
Yes. Card was demonized for his religion and stance on homosexuality, sort of the same with comic's Doug Tennapel. So they both have extra handicaps in industries that are increasingly anti-White male, and I think both sell quite well. Proving money doesn't matter. at least with crowd funding comics has found an escape. Books too actually, unless Amazon cracks down on Conservatives one day who publish on kindle. Even filmmaking is much cheaper with digital and computer programs that are cheap enough to handle sound and editing, can upload on Youtube, or if they censor more, maybe bitchute. So even film is losing it's ability to gatekeep. Now making money from these sources, that can be a bit more complicated, but there's a lot of success stories, who again, aren't picked up by mainstream companies for not being woke enough. So, life finds a way.
I get that but I think writers of the past were better about discussing certain themes. A lot of modern stuff is very on the nose and makes it clear whaat you are supposed to think. I think morality tales can be great like classic twilight zone or even those old Horror comics. Some of these modern day writers seem to think anyone right of Bernie is the spawn of Satan
You’ve written books? Where can I find them? I’ve written a short story that’s on kindle
Sounds good!
When WotC came up with Kaya, Ghost Assassin they at least had the good sense to make her foil worth buying for the art if nothing else.
She's a $5 junk plainswalker, but the foil art has her phase through a door as you tilt it. Easily one of the coolest foils they've ever printed and runs over $100.
Oh. Lol. Well you know what I meant.
You are right...that is long
Yea. Got carried away
Why should quality matter when you're checking boxes? The box gets checked regardless of quality.
That is a very good strategy.
Do you have a “cut off year” for entertainment?
Not really a hard cut-off date, but the later something is produced, the more I am skeptical of it.
Good point. There is still good stuff just few and far between. Yellowstone is a good show that surprised me.
I don’t want to assume but he did seem to be over doing it about the black Superman. Superman and Spider-Man are my all time favorites. I like them how they are.