DC Comics to Make Superman Gay
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I don’t mind things with gay people in them or stories about gay people. I can’t recall any whose point wasn’t to take something people already liked and make a worse version of it that made insults to the original audience.
Just make a gay super hero. Him being gay probably wouldn’t have much to do with his story as if you have super powers you’d probably care more about that than sucking dick.
That's kind of the problem right there.
There is ZERO reason to make a character gay unless your story is centered around homosexuality.
Otherwise, what's the point?
Most fictional characters are asexual until they have a story arc centered around a romance/relationship plot.
Almost ALL of these gay fictional characters are announced as being gay with it having either nothing to do with the story or nothing to do with the character dynamics. It's just in there to push Left-wing agitprop, which has become heavily focused on converting heterosexuals into homosexuals.
Warehouse 13 did a good job with it and I’ve read cop drama books from 90s where they have a gay partner but it’s barely mentioned since the focus was on finding the killer. Now when they announce the character is gay you know that will be the main focus.