Given that they're obsessed with power politics, look at it this way:
the fall of Kabul doesn't threaten the Biden administration, particularly. I mean, yes, they might well have just handed the country to China, but I'm not sure Biden will see that as a bad thing - he seems to be in the process of liquidating the US's assets for the purpose of handing them to China anyway.
Americans asserting themselves at the administration's expense is a clear and present danger to the continuing operating of the Biden administration. I'd be interested to see who in the riot was on the Federal payroll, is this another Whitmer affair where the guys at the sharp end are all Feds trying to string people along to their detriment?
How do you know your enemy? You don't just listen to what they say, you observe their actions: "Eyes are the windows to the soul, hands are the windows to intent."
The Taliban apparently poses no threat to the Biden regime. So the administration made no action to resist their aggression. None of the alphabet agencies are calling the Taliban terrorists, and are instead they are speaking about how the Taliban need to behave in order to be recognized internationally.
They killed Ashley Babbit by blindly firing into a crowd. The investigation was then covered up, and her death is actively celebrated. Politicians tried to purge the Senate, and Pundits have called Trump supporters Maggots, while trying to demand the pursuit and exile of every single member of the previous administration. The military is being politically purged, and The Department of Homeland Security has identified anti-government opinions as a sign of terrorism.
Literally you, by virtue of being on this forum, are considered more of a terrorist and a threat than anyone wandering around the US embassy in Kabul with an AK after executing all of our translators in their homes.
Literally you, by virtue of being on this forum, are considered more of a terrorist and a threat than anyone wandering around the US embassy in Kabul with an AK after executing all of our translators in their homes.
U.S. Capitol Police to open California office following Jan. 6 attack
(Salwan Georges / Washington Post )
The field offices will be in the Tampa and San Francisco areas, according to Capitol Police.
“At this time, Florida and California are where the majority of our potential threats are,” a department spokesperson said in a statement. “The field offices will be the first for the Department. A regional approach to investigating and prosecuting threats against Members is important, so we will be working closely with the U.S. Attorney’s Offices in those locations.”
The police agency rarely provides information to the public on how it operates, citing security concerns and member safety. For example, unlike other government agencies, the internal watchdog’s reports are not publicly available.
A spokesperson did not answer questions Tuesday about how many staff would be hired or what the cost to taxpayers would be.
The spokesperson said other regional offices were expected.
Department of Justice
U.S. Attorney’s Office
District of Columbia
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Department of Justice Closes Investigation into the Death of Ashli Babbitt
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia and the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice will not pursue criminal charges against the U.S. Capitol Police officer involved in the fatal shooting of 35-year-old Ashli Babbitt, the Office announced today.
If the military every acts against us it's not going to be a "winning of hearts and minds" war like in Vietnam and Afghanistan: it's going to be gloves off, Sherman's March to the Sea, "teach them a lesson they'll never forget" war. Of course it remains to be seen if they'll have the competence to pull it off if/when they choose to do so.
the secret is politicians want the RIGHT to murder americans for protesting when they dont want to. its no better than the fags who over see tienemen, same kinda greeedy evil cucks
I think most people here accept that there were plants in the crowd. But do you really think Capitol hill Police wouldn't fire blindly in a crowd? In what possible way can the killing of a protestor be beneficial at all? And why go through all the trouble and create possible points of failure just to fake it when an accidental shooting has the same outcome?
Given that they're obsessed with power politics, look at it this way:
the fall of Kabul doesn't threaten the Biden administration, particularly. I mean, yes, they might well have just handed the country to China, but I'm not sure Biden will see that as a bad thing - he seems to be in the process of liquidating the US's assets for the purpose of handing them to China anyway.
Americans asserting themselves at the administration's expense is a clear and present danger to the continuing operating of the Biden administration. I'd be interested to see who in the riot was on the Federal payroll, is this another Whitmer affair where the guys at the sharp end are all Feds trying to string people along to their detriment?
Oh, I fully understand that, and that's my point.
How do you know your enemy? You don't just listen to what they say, you observe their actions: "Eyes are the windows to the soul, hands are the windows to intent."
The Taliban apparently poses no threat to the Biden regime. So the administration made no action to resist their aggression. None of the alphabet agencies are calling the Taliban terrorists, and are instead they are speaking about how the Taliban need to behave in order to be recognized internationally.
They killed Ashley Babbit by blindly firing into a crowd. The investigation was then covered up, and her death is actively celebrated. Politicians tried to purge the Senate, and Pundits have called Trump supporters Maggots, while trying to demand the pursuit and exile of every single member of the previous administration. The military is being politically purged, and The Department of Homeland Security has identified anti-government opinions as a sign of terrorism.
Literally you, by virtue of being on this forum, are considered more of a terrorist and a threat than anyone wandering around the US embassy in Kabul with an AK after executing all of our translators in their homes.
Wide awake.
Crop this pic and run a reverse search. These guys were a warlord militia from I think either Herat or Mazar.
Stop being so damned nuanced.
Fine I'll correct the picture later.
You can know your enemy by how they respond to you:
The Taliban
Killed Bo BidenIn Response:
Ashley Babbit
In Response:
I think he didn't fire blindly, he shot to kill.
But U.S. Capitol Police, featuring the guy that killed Ashli Babbitt, are about to expand nationwide. https:// www. latimes. com/politics/story/2021-07-06/u-s-capitol-police-to-open-california-office-following-jan-6-attack
U.S. Capitol Police to open California office following Jan. 6 attack
(Salwan Georges / Washington Post )
Yup, they'd make a pretty decent Praetorian Guard.
We don't know for a fact it was a CH officer because they won't release anything. At this point, anyone on the other side of the window is a suspect.
It was a U.S. Capitol Police officer. It says so right there in the press release. https:// www. justice. gov/usao-dc/pr/department-justice-closes-investigation-death-ashli-babbitt
Still can't believe Pelosi wanted M240s or M2s in an urban setting.
She didn't care. Bitch was gonna go full Rambo and just mow the whole fucking unarmed protest down with Machine Gun fire.
If the military every acts against us it's not going to be a "winning of hearts and minds" war like in Vietnam and Afghanistan: it's going to be gloves off, Sherman's March to the Sea, "teach them a lesson they'll never forget" war. Of course it remains to be seen if they'll have the competence to pull it off if/when they choose to do so.
the secret is politicians want the RIGHT to murder americans for protesting when they dont want to. its no better than the fags who over see tienemen, same kinda greeedy evil cucks
To be fair, they're armed
Yeah, you wouldn't want to have any sort of armed resistance against armed attackers in a war.
Someone could have gotten hurt.
They ain't gonna shoot at someone that can shoot back. That's dangerous. Better play it safe and shoot unarmed females
It's always safer to shoot the good guy with no gun, than it is the bad guy with a gun.
What were the "rules of engagement' on those missions again?
Probably the same thing that the ARVN was given in 1973-1975: Avoid contact with the enemy.
I've seen this pic. These guys weren't Taliban.
Go to bed, schizo.
I think most people here accept that there were plants in the crowd. But do you really think Capitol hill Police wouldn't fire blindly in a crowd? In what possible way can the killing of a protestor be beneficial at all? And why go through all the trouble and create possible points of failure just to fake it when an accidental shooting has the same outcome?
This literally tells me you don't know anything you are talking about.