posted ago by lgbtqwtfbbq ago by lgbtqwtfbbq +30 / -0

Context: many companies are coming out saying that they are going to "require" vaccines. A couple weeks ago we had some exec spend 5 minutes during a company-wide meeting talk about how we all needed to be vaccinated and the company was going to take a hard-line stance of "vaccine or mask" and require proof of vaccination in the former case.

Well today they officially rolled out the policy: employees will be given the option to "self-attest" that they have been vaccinated using the online HR platform. The tool asks which vaccine you've taken and the date you took each course. No batch/lot number, no location, nothing that could actually be used to authenticate the information provided; and no verification will be performed.

I bring this up because companies like to talk a big game, but their bark is often bigger than their bite; and what they actually do frequently ends up being underwhelming. So I'm curious for others who work places that will require vaccinations what your policies actually are (as opposed to what the Press Release says they are). Has your employer actually implemented any policies, or are they still in the "put out a Press Release" stage?

Obviously don't provide any information that could be used to dox you.