These are their death throes. Massive election fraud has now been publicly proven, they've been sued up to their eyeballs with good results by Reiner Fuellmich and co, the economy is about to blow, the masses have had enough with noncompliance and protests all over the world, etc. The reins are slipping and they'll be kicking and screaming all the way down.
It's not the great conspiracy upset, for fucks sake.
It's flailing. These dumb bastards can't do anything and they are losing control. Everywhere you look, they are doing what the last thing they thought would work. This is a sign that there was no one really at the helm there, and the people who were really in control are absent or no longer in control. It's the keep doing what we were doing until someone figures out what to do next as shit goes down hill faster. LA is about to collapse under the weight of their own egos and the removal of their fucking retarded leaders (mayor going to be an ambassador, DA getting impeached)
The lockdowns have to work; The Great Reset can't work without them.
If The Cough fails (which it already has), they'll move to Climate lockdowns next.
Gas shortages, blackouts, weather events.
The goal is to keep you home, and stick you with a needle every 6 months.
Don't forget the upcoming cyberattacks.
No mention of deaths. Only cases.
I think even some normies are realizing that Covid is being used for political gain.
Punishment for the recall?
These are their death throes. Massive election fraud has now been publicly proven, they've been sued up to their eyeballs with good results by Reiner Fuellmich and co, the economy is about to blow, the masses have had enough with noncompliance and protests all over the world, etc. The reins are slipping and they'll be kicking and screaming all the way down.
That would be the most shocking result of all.
It's not the great conspiracy upset, for fucks sake.
It's flailing. These dumb bastards can't do anything and they are losing control. Everywhere you look, they are doing what the last thing they thought would work. This is a sign that there was no one really at the helm there, and the people who were really in control are absent or no longer in control. It's the keep doing what we were doing until someone figures out what to do next as shit goes down hill faster. LA is about to collapse under the weight of their own egos and the removal of their fucking retarded leaders (mayor going to be an ambassador, DA getting impeached)