Just like every other one. Blacks have become so privileged that the prosecution will say things like George Floyd was building up courage to be arrested and go into a police suv. Or blatantly lie and change the cause of death from heart arrhythmia to oxygen hypoxia, two completely different cods, then switch back again during closing arguments after realizing they said his blood O2 was 98%. Still got justice though right?
They're going to ruin this officer's life for saving a black girl's life, aren't they?
Just like every other one. Blacks have become so privileged that the prosecution will say things like George Floyd was building up courage to be arrested and go into a police suv. Or blatantly lie and change the cause of death from heart arrhythmia to oxygen hypoxia, two completely different cods, then switch back again during closing arguments after realizing they said his blood O2 was 98%. Still got justice though right?
Only criminal black lives matter.
Jacob Blake says,
hello"That bitch and her kids had it commin' ''