You know they're completely ignorant because they think that any level of vaccine rollout in the US will mean covid just magically disappears within two years. It's globally distributed and it has a large animal reservoir to hide in, we're not likely eradicating it in any of our lifetimes and physicians will be dealing with it to some degree or other for the foreseeable future.
I had Covid a year ago. I will NOT be getting the shot either. To vaccinate or not is a personal choice. If those who live on fear of the disease with a very high survival rate, vaccinate, do what you need to protect yourself. If you are not afraid, live your life.
I don't get it. Why aren't the plebs letting us inject them with mystery potions to maybesort of reduce the symptoms of a virus with a 99.7% recovery rate?
Outside of the documented fact that it’s functioning on the FDA exception and not full proof. I’ve noticed friends and coworkers who have nasty side effects after getting it & my sister in law passed out from it. I’m not anti-vax by any means but taking an experimental vaccine causing nasty side effects in a majority of people isn’t making me want to take it....
Let's have a more difficult discussion:
Scientific reasons you SHOULD get a China Virus Jab?
I'll go first and deflate the entire discussion. If you are old. Anything else?
Morbidly obese diabetic
You know they're completely ignorant because they think that any level of vaccine rollout in the US will mean covid just magically disappears within two years. It's globally distributed and it has a large animal reservoir to hide in, we're not likely eradicating it in any of our lifetimes and physicians will be dealing with it to some degree or other for the foreseeable future.
A based Indian male doctor?
The left will despise him for being honest.
I had Covid a year ago. I will NOT be getting the shot either. To vaccinate or not is a personal choice. If those who live on fear of the disease with a very high survival rate, vaccinate, do what you need to protect yourself. If you are not afraid, live your life.
I don't get it. Why aren't the plebs letting us inject them with mystery potions to maybe sort of reduce the symptoms of a virus with a 99.7% recovery rate?
Outside of the documented fact that it’s functioning on the FDA exception and not full proof. I’ve noticed friends and coworkers who have nasty side effects after getting it & my sister in law passed out from it. I’m not anti-vax by any means but taking an experimental vaccine causing nasty side effects in a majority of people isn’t making me want to take it....