This morning Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued an Executive Order making Vaccine Passports Illegal in The Great State of Texas! This is very good news and continues a string of pro-Freedom decisions by the Governor to rebuild his image after some very poor, some have said Statist handling of the Commie Cough.
--No state or political agency may compel or force vaccine info/compliance
--Any Public/Private entity receiving public funds may not compel vaccine info/compliance
--Order supersedes any new local orders or ordinances
This not only looks like a win for Texans and Freedom, but it could show that Abbott is getting back on track and learned a lesson. Or perhaps he is tired of hearing about DeSantis. Whatever. Going to take the W.
PDF Link to GA-35
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They already succeeded in Austin sans the sidewalk poop. Seems like every new employee from Cali just raves about how great Cali is. Why did they move then? Because of policies they voted for making it unaffordable.
Might be a good morning to visit r/austin to watch heads exploding. When Abbott lifted the state-wide mask mandate they practically accused him of being in league with the virus to kill everyone on the planet.
That and r/dallas in particular might as well be called r/TexasLeftistOrgy. You're spot on too, I've seen so many comments straight up how they want to make everything like where they came from, or hell even worse that that. There is zero comprehension that you were forced to leave there because your stupid policies are why your job is here. I'm fairly convinced the state is going to be ruined by California, NY, and Chicago transplants. I'm just hoping to delay it a bit.
r/dallas is the Mos Eisley of the Interwebs. I went there a time or two in hopes of finding meaningful information on events in this part of the world (I am in North Texas and in the DFW Metroplex outside of Dallas proper). Instead what I found was a leftist, statist, SJW Circlejerk the likes of which has not been seen by mortal man. Never again.
The houston sub's the same way but i'm starting to see some... not even cracks, outright fissures, people are disillusioned with our retard mayor/county judge, heres hoping they actually learned their damn lesson and vote his ass out.
Houston's got some problems going on with their sports teams too lol
Oh, r/denton was the same way. Much smaller subreddit, but the few people on there are hyperliberal. It's really funny watching them all make fun of Abbot's disability when a few months ago, they were yelling at anyone who was making "abelist slurs." This is the same community who was saying that we didn't NEED police, but when a man was caught trying to abduct women, everyone was all "oh, thank god the police got there in time." - bitch, your profile still says ACAB...