I've kept an eye on it, and there is enough interest to keep these going for now. Though, if someone else prefers to do them, feel free.
- What are you playing and on what platform(s)? Reviews?
- Did you pick up anything based on the last thread?
- Do you want recommendations? Genre(s)? Past enjoyed games?
2016 is much better than Eternal. I don't know why they decided to take one of the greatest fps shooters ever made and introduce 1) an ugly puke green color scheme 2) way more awkward platforming 3) immersion-destroying in-game enemy weakness explanations 4) a ton of new "videogamey" mechanics that pull you out of the game world.
I totally agree. I played in on Xbox and was hyped, I loved Doom 2016 and played through it several times--totally unusual for me, I don't replay games. I'm sooo glad I was too cheapskate and too busy when it launched, because I would have been so disappointed to have paid for Doom Eternal.
Main complaint, get the platforming out of my Doom game. I've actually died on a single platforming section more times than the rest of the time I'd played the game combined.
I just want to shoot shit. That's what Doom is about to me. Just let me shoot shit.