1 hit the gym or otherwise exercise regularly and vigorously (and stop eating garbage) you should be doing this anyway
2 get to know your neighbors even if they are assholes
3 find a non-pozzed church and join even if they are evangelical and you dont believe in jesus - show up once a week at first then try to participate in the community activities
They are, but at least Catholicism has the possibility of growing a spine if it chose to.
I was a Friend and it pains me to say that the problem in the Friends is that the sinking lifeboat analogy DOES NOT WORK. There are people who rationally believe that until America is dragged down to the level of the third world, we have a moral imperative to keep taking in more people from the third world. That sinking the lifeboat is morally correct. The immediacy of helping those who's need is greatest takes precedence over building the community.
And the thing is, I can't say they're wrong. I understand where they're coming from, my understanding of the divine leads me to the same conclusions they do. So all I have to fall back on is saying Friends shouldn't be voting at all.
1 hit the gym or otherwise exercise regularly and vigorously (and stop eating garbage) you should be doing this anyway 2 get to know your neighbors even if they are assholes 3 find a non-pozzed church and join even if they are evangelical and you dont believe in jesus - show up once a week at first then try to participate in the community activities
Protestantism is partly at fault for what's happened.
I am not Christian so I can offer an assessment of it from an outside view, The Roman Catholic church is just as pozzed as Protestantism.
Even before Francis, the RCC pushed social justice which was precursor to the current wokeism.
Modern Christianity has created generations of weak men who turn the other cheek.
They are, but at least Catholicism has the possibility of growing a spine if it chose to.
I was a Friend and it pains me to say that the problem in the Friends is that the sinking lifeboat analogy DOES NOT WORK. There are people who rationally believe that until America is dragged down to the level of the third world, we have a moral imperative to keep taking in more people from the third world. That sinking the lifeboat is morally correct. The immediacy of helping those who's need is greatest takes precedence over building the community.
And the thing is, I can't say they're wrong. I understand where they're coming from, my understanding of the divine leads me to the same conclusions they do. So all I have to fall back on is saying Friends shouldn't be voting at all.
Sure you can. Suicide and condemning your own community is wrong.