He talks a lot about what "you" need to be doing and not much about "we" or "I", which is odd.
Beyond that there's never any talk of the "how" of his ideas, which would be useful if someone actually wanted to be successful at implementing what he wants. Even basic things like "how to identify likeminded people in your community" or "how to communicate with your neighbors in an emergency" to more advanced topics like "how to survive when the police knock at your door asking if you have any weapons" or "how to form an intelligence and defense network with your neighbors so when the Feds come to take your guns you're more Bundy Ranch than Ruby Ridge"
Everything is just on the order of "The Feds are coming to take your guns; better be prepared to meet them at your door locked and loaded!" Which has as good a likelihood of success as it sounds and is the kind of thing I would expect to hear from someone who didn't want someone to be successful.
You must be new here, if you're not yet familiar with his pattern of yelling at everyone and calling them cowards for not committing mass murder, while doing nothing himself all the same.
What the fuck are you talking about? What makes you think OP is a fed?
"Everyone who suggests to topple tyranny with force is a fed!"
Toppling tyranny by force of arms is an American tradition.
Change my mind.
He talks a lot about what "you" need to be doing and not much about "we" or "I", which is odd.
Beyond that there's never any talk of the "how" of his ideas, which would be useful if someone actually wanted to be successful at implementing what he wants. Even basic things like "how to identify likeminded people in your community" or "how to communicate with your neighbors in an emergency" to more advanced topics like "how to survive when the police knock at your door asking if you have any weapons" or "how to form an intelligence and defense network with your neighbors so when the Feds come to take your guns you're more Bundy Ranch than Ruby Ridge"
Everything is just on the order of "The Feds are coming to take your guns; better be prepared to meet them at your door locked and loaded!" Which has as good a likelihood of success as it sounds and is the kind of thing I would expect to hear from someone who didn't want someone to be successful.
You must be new here, if you're not yet familiar with his pattern of yelling at everyone and calling them cowards for not committing mass murder, while doing nothing himself all the same.
Shut it, fed.