posted ago by davidverner ago by davidverner +19 / -0

So does any of you have any insight on the issue of possible censorship of .win on Reddit? Below is what brought about this question.

So tonight I posted a video on both half KiA and KiA Prime and encountered an interesting. In both posts on Reddit I made a respective backed up comment linking to their respective .win boards. On half KiA I got an interesting response to my linking to .win from the Reddit sub.

You can't link to win on reddit.

Reddit removes any comments with such links, or even mentions, in a way mods can't approve.

So our only option is to remove it and advise you to make a new comment without it.

I've found this fairly interesting because we have a bot on KiA Prime posting to this subreddit just fine on Reddit and none of my back up comments linking to posted content here has been removed from KiA prime.

I had some further back and forth with that mod about the issue finding it interesting that it isn't an issue over on KiA Prime's subreddit. Another comment also caught my attention:

As I said sometimes even mentioning wins in the wrong way gives the same result.

This really peeked my interest in the matter and I stated that it looks like some testing needs to be done. The moderator didn't seem to happy about that and got very defensive about me conducting tests on half KiA. Especially ending our exchange with:

I welcome you to do whatever you want elsewhere.

Now I'm wondering if it is just the half KiA moderator team being extra defensive or Reddit admins implementing something on specific subreddits.

I guess I will have to go about testing in the next few weeks and see what I come up with between non-popular and popular subreddits.