For all of the bluster, Obama was never able to do much about guns, even after Sandy Hook. The current gun buying panic is just one of several which have happened since the expiration of the AWB in 2004. I built my first rifle shortly after the expiration.
Individual states, most notably CA and NY have enacted several revisions of bans while others, like Wash DC have had things struck down. Overall concealed carry legislation has expanded since 04, however restrictions in many states are far tighter. We have seen cases where once a state goes blue, one of the first priorities is massive gun control, CO and VA.
I'm expecting Biden to go HARD after guns because they are the symbol of freedom to the political right. Guns also represent a significant hurdle to anarchotyranny via means of self defense. I'm expecting a coordinated media blitz to begin in January to help grease the skids.
Assuming GA loses both senate seats to Ds it will still be a tough fight after the losses in the house. I expect at least a partial success via "universal background checks" which will only be enforced on otherwise law abiding white people. I also expect erosion of protections for those who dare defend themselves from a "poor POC just trying to feed their family." However I believe full effective nullification of the 2nd amendment will have to wait until Kamala's reelection in '24, when the majorities of Ds in the house and senate are stronger, assuming the republic lasts that long, and people continue to support nullification of the 1st.
Intrastate secession will definitely happen before 2024. Rural areas will start breaking away from the tyranny of blue city hellholes in states like Oregon, Washington and Minnesota.
I think that will happen instead of whole states leaving the Union.
The borders of states will undoubtedly have to change.
The next few years determine the fate of the whole free world. Will people accept slavery under the corporate authoritarian leftists quietly or will they resist in any meaningful shape or form?
From what I seen so far, things don't look good for those of us who value freedom.
Well what will these compliant sheep do after the Great Reset when they are forced by the globalist elites to eat bugs, live in a pod and have no ownership of anything?
That is the real question.
The elites' Great Reset is basically neo-feudalism in which these compliant fools won't even be allowed to have basic ownership of anything let alone indulge in consumerism.
Good reminder.
For all of the bluster, Obama was never able to do much about guns, even after Sandy Hook. The current gun buying panic is just one of several which have happened since the expiration of the AWB in 2004. I built my first rifle shortly after the expiration.
Individual states, most notably CA and NY have enacted several revisions of bans while others, like Wash DC have had things struck down. Overall concealed carry legislation has expanded since 04, however restrictions in many states are far tighter. We have seen cases where once a state goes blue, one of the first priorities is massive gun control, CO and VA.
I'm expecting Biden to go HARD after guns because they are the symbol of freedom to the political right. Guns also represent a significant hurdle to anarchotyranny via means of self defense. I'm expecting a coordinated media blitz to begin in January to help grease the skids.
Assuming GA loses both senate seats to Ds it will still be a tough fight after the losses in the house. I expect at least a partial success via "universal background checks" which will only be enforced on otherwise law abiding white people. I also expect erosion of protections for those who dare defend themselves from a "poor POC just trying to feed their family." However I believe full effective nullification of the 2nd amendment will have to wait until Kamala's reelection in '24, when the majorities of Ds in the house and senate are stronger, assuming the republic lasts that long, and people continue to support nullification of the 1st.
The Republic is already dead.
Intrastate secession will definitely happen before 2024. Rural areas will start breaking away from the tyranny of blue city hellholes in states like Oregon, Washington and Minnesota.
I think that will happen instead of whole states leaving the Union.
The borders of states will undoubtedly have to change.
The next few years determine the fate of the whole free world. Will people accept slavery under the corporate authoritarian leftists quietly or will they resist in any meaningful shape or form?
From what I seen so far, things don't look good for those of us who value freedom.
Well what will these compliant sheep do after the Great Reset when they are forced by the globalist elites to eat bugs, live in a pod and have no ownership of anything?
That is the real question.
The elites' Great Reset is basically neo-feudalism in which these compliant fools won't even be allowed to have basic ownership of anything let alone indulge in consumerism.
Dark times ahead.
They won't care.
As long as their bellies are full, and their genitals satisfied, they'll get used to it, like any other animal.
I expect there to be another mass shooting within the next year in America coordinated by a group of people with guns to push the narrative further.