If my time spent staring at camwhores back in the days of MFC taught me anything, it's not about how hot you are but how catchy your personality is. Same thing with instagram, tons of 10/10's with 3000 followers, and a bunch of 7/10's with millions.
Most attractive women are so vapid, nobody wants anything to do with them, and generally you don't feel welcome at even looking in their direction, hence why the sex work/photos/etc don't make them popular. Probably also why when sex work is involved, the "girlfriend experience" costs a bunch extra.
Hmm, never heard of that. I suppose that might work roughly from 5/10 above, but I've seen way too many 1/10 and 2/10 absolutely fuckugly SJW cows to believe ugly chicks are mostly normal.
People pay to see her naked? She’s absolutely nothing special, there’s hotter women working the checkout at my local supermarket.
If my time spent staring at camwhores back in the days of MFC taught me anything, it's not about how hot you are but how catchy your personality is. Same thing with instagram, tons of 10/10's with 3000 followers, and a bunch of 7/10's with millions.
Most attractive women are so vapid, nobody wants anything to do with them, and generally you don't feel welcome at even looking in their direction, hence why the sex work/photos/etc don't make them popular. Probably also why when sex work is involved, the "girlfriend experience" costs a bunch extra.
It's the hot-squared-law.
Take her rating out of 10, square it and that's the rough percentage of absolutely batshit insane ones at that rating.
Hmm, never heard of that. I suppose that might work roughly from 5/10 above, but I've seen way too many 1/10 and 2/10 absolutely fuckugly SJW cows to believe ugly chicks are mostly normal.
It's something like 50% base line yeah.